All FishesFamilies ⇒ Austroglanididae

Common member of the family Austroglanididae
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Pronounced awe strow glah nih day
Family Common Name Southern Rock Catfish
Etymology From Latin auster, austr-, meaning south. Glanis = catfish.
Features hree pairs of barbels (nasal pair absent); strong dorsal and pectoral spines; adipose fin small. The genus Austroglanis was formely placed in Bagridae.
Distribution South Africa and Namibia
Common Names Rock Catfish
Size Smallest 81mm, largest 300mm, average 169mm, most commonly 300mm. All SL.
Species There are 3 "species" in 1 genus in the database
Keepers 0 species (0.0%) are being kept by registered keepers
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1.Austroglanis 3 species(0 keepers)
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(Alphabetic | Most Kept | Most Bred)
1.(i:2, k:0, b:0)
2.(i:4, k:0, b:0)
3.Austroglanis barnardi(i:0, k:0, b:0)