All FishesAuchenipteridaeAuchenipterinae ⇒ The genus Spinipterus

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Pronounced spi NIP terr uss.
Identification Some of the unique features which distinguish Spinipterus from other auchenipterids are: pectoral and dorsal-fin spines with four prominent rows of serrations; lateral margin of the skull roofing bones ornamented with a single row of spines; and adducted dorsal fin rests into a mid-dorsal groove. Spinipterus also differs from most other auchenipterid genera by having lower counts for some fin rays.
Size Smallest 80mm, largest 105mm, average 92mm, most commonly 105mm. All SL.
Species There are 2 "species" in the database
New spp. / time
1750 1770 1790 1810 1830 1850 1870 1890 1910 1930 1950 1970 1990 2010 

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