All FishesFamilies ⇒ Alestidae

Common member of the family Alestidae
Hop to next section Family Overview
Size Smallest 21mm, largest 1330mm, average 221mm, most commonly 80mm. All SL.
Species There are 19 "species" in 12 genera in the database
Keepers 9 species (47%) are being kept by registered keepers
Hop to next section Top Five Genera (by keepers)
1.Phenacogrammus 2 species(8 keepers)
2.Hydrocynus 2 species(3 keepers)
3.Alestopetersius 2 species(2 keepers)
4.Rhabdalestes 1 species(2 keepers)
5.Arnoldichthys 1 species(1 keepers)
Hop to next section Distribution of Alestidae

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Hop to next section Most Kept Species
3.Rhabdalestes septentrionalis(11.76%)
5.Micralestes stormsi(5.88%)
7.Arnoldichthys spilopterus(5.88%)
8.Alestopetersius smykalai(5.88%)
Hop to next section Alphabetic Species List
(Chronological | Most Kept | Most Bred)
1.(i:2, k:1, b:0)
2.Alestopetersius smykalai(i:0, k:1, b:0)
3.Arnoldichthys spilopterus(i:0, k:1, b:0)
4.(i:1, k:0, b:0)
5.Bathyaethiops caudomaculatus(i:0, k:0, b:0)
6.Brachyalestes imberi(i:0, k:0, b:0)
7.Brachyalestes nurse(i:0, k:0, b:0)
8.Bryconaethiops boulengeri(i:0, k:0, b:0)
9.Bryconaethiops microstoma(i:0, k:0, b:0)
10.Bryconalestes longipinnis(i:0, k:0, b:0)
11.(i:1, k:2, b:0)
12.(i:3, k:1, b:0)
13.Ladigesia roloffi(i:0, k:0, b:0)
14.Lepidarchus adonis(i:0, k:0, b:0)
15.(i:3, k:0, b:0)
16.Micralestes stormsi(i:0, k:1, b:0)
17.(i:3, k:3, b:0)
18.(i:5, k:5, b:0)
19.Rhabdalestes septentrionalis(i:0, k:2, b:0)