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Scientific Name Hippocampus erectus  Perry, 1810
Common Name
Type Locality Florida, USA. Old locality: American Seas, Mexico, West Indies.
Synonym(s) Hippocampus brunneus, Hippocampus fascicularis, Hippocampus hudsonius, Hippocampus kincaidi, Hippocampus laevicaudatus, Hippocampus marginalis, Hippocampus punctulatus, Hippocampus stylifer, Hippocampus tetragonous, Hippocampus tetragonus, Hippocampus villosus, Syngnathus caballus, Syngnathus tetragonous, Syngnathus tetragonus
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Size 190mm or 7.5" SL. Find near, nearer or same sized spp.
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Distribution Western Atlantic: Nova Scotia, Canada and northern Gulf of Mexico to Panama and Venezuela. A southern form that may prove to be a separate species is known from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and questionably from Suriname. International trade is monitored through a licensing system (CITES II, since 5.15.04) and a minimum size of 10 cm applies.
IUCN Red List Category
, range map and more is available on the IUCN species page. Last assessed 2016.
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Breeding Reports There is no breeding report.
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Reference Ichthyology. In: Arcana, or The Museum of Natural History v. 1, pp Unnumbered page, Pl. XLV.
Registered Keepers There is no registered keeper.
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ARN ref:16.136.1475.8505
Last Update 2024 Nov 24 16:19 (species record created: 2021 Dec 26 04:53)