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Scientific Name Pterocryptis vorax     
Common Name
Pronunciation Terr oh krip tiss
Etymology The generic name comes from the Greek pteron, meaning fin, and kryptos, meaning hidden; in reference to the small dorsal fin. 
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Identification Catfishes of the genus Pterocryptis Peters, 1861, are medium-sized members of the Siluridae usually found in fast-flowing mountain streams throughout India, southern China and Southeast Asia. Pterocryptis had been considered a junior synonym of Silurus Linnaeus, 1758, until its rediagnosis by Bornbusch (1991). There are 16 nominal species of Pterocryptis (Ng & Freyhof, 2001). They can be distinguished from other siluroids by having a small dorsal fin, upper jaw longer than the lower jaw and a confluent anal and caudal fin with a distinct notch between them.
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Pacific, Greater Sunda Island Rivers, Borneo Waters, Brunei Waters (click on these areas to find other species found there)

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IUCN Red List Category
Not Evaluated
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Breeding Unreported in the aquarium.
Breeding Reports There is no breeding report.
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Last Update 2025 Jan 27 15:51 (species record created: 2025 Jan 27 15:51)