
Species Profile Updates

  • Dec 03, 13:08 (Acestrorhamphidae)
    Original_desc changed to [n] from [y].

    Type_locality changed to [Amazon River at Obidos, Pará, Brazil.] from [Amazon River at Obidos, Pará, Brazil.].
  • Dec 03, 13:02 (Callichthyidae)
    Desc_by changed to [Nijssen & Isbrücker] from [Nijssen & Isbrücker].

    Original_desc changed to [n] from [y].

    Type_locality changed to [Aquas Amarillas, tributary of Río Pachitea, Río Ucayali system, Huanuco State, Peru.] from [Aquas Amarillas, tributary of Río Pachitea, Río Ucayali system, Huanuco State, Peru.].

    Identification changed to [Corydoras panda has a light colored body with black blob covering their eyes (like the panda), a black spot the dorsal fin, and a spot on or near the base of the caudal fin.] from [Corydoras panda has a light colored body with black blob covering their eyes (like the panda), a black spot the dorsal fin, and a spot on or near the base of the caudal fin.].

    Genus_feeding changed to [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.] from [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.].
  • Dec 03, 13:02 Megalamphodus epicharis (Acestrorhamphidae)
    Desc_by changed to [Weitzman & Palmer] from [Weitzman & Palmer].

    Original_desc changed to [n] from [y].

    Type_locality changed to [Río Baria head waters, 3 kilometers downstream from Neblina base camp, Amazonas, Venezuela, 0°55'N, 66°10'W, elevation 120 meters.] from [Río Baria head waters, 3 kilometers downstream from Neblina base camp, Amazonas, Venezuela, 0°55'N, 66°10'W, elevation 120 meters.].
  • Dec 03, 13:02 (Acestrorhamphidae)
    Desc_by changed to [Lima, Britski & Machado] from [Lima, Britski & Machado].

    Original_desc changed to [n] from [y].

    Type_locality changed to [Sapezal, córrego Vinte e Cinco de Maio, near its mouth at the rio Papagaio, Mato Grosso State, Brazil.] from [Sapezal, córrego Vinte e Cinco de Maio, near its mouth at the rio Papagaio, Mato Grosso State, Brazil.].

    Distribution changed to [South America: tributaries of the upper rio Sepotuba in the rio Paraguai basin and tributaries of the rio Juruena in the rio Tapajôs basin in Brazil.] from [South America: tributaries of the upper rio Sepotuba in the rio Paraguai basin and tributaries of the rio Juruena in the rio Tapajôs basin in Brazil.].
  • Dec 03, 13:02 (Callichthyidae)
    Original_desc changed to [n] from [y].

    Etymology changed to [Latin similis = like alluding to the similarity of the colouration of this species to Corydoras ourastigma.] from [Latin similis = like alluding to the similarity of the colouration of this species to Corydoras ourastigma.].

    Literature changed to [Zeitschrift für Fischkunde v. 1 (no. 1), pp 39, Fig. 1.] from [Zeitschrift für Fischkunde v. 1 (no. 1), pp 39, Fig. 1.].

    Identification changed to [C. similis is the round nosed ''version'' of the long snouted C. ourastigma. The smudged marking at the base of the caudal fin separates it from other head-spotted species that have a distinct spot marking instead.] from [C. similis is the round nosed ''version'' of the long snouted C. ourastigma. The smudged marking at the base of the caudal fin separates it from other head-spotted species that have a distinct spot marking instead.].

    Genus_feeding changed to [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.] from [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.].

    Furniture changed to [Other similar Corydoras, dwarf cichlids and tetras. A robust species that will adapt to larger peaceful tankmates.] from [Other similar Corydoras, dwarf cichlids and tetras. A robust species that will adapt to larger peaceful tankmates.].

    Breeding changed to [1. A ratio of 2:1 males to females has been successful at a pH of 7.2 and water at 76F which was reduced by approximately 5-6 degrees the day before spawning took place. It was back up to 76 when they began to spawn.
    2. The spawning followed the typical ' T ' mating clinch, where the female nuzzles into the side of the male at a point just behind the pectoral fin. The male then clamps the female by her barbels (hence the need for good barbels, poor barbels means poor grip and possibly poor fertilization). Once the grip is complete both fish seemed to tremble for a few seconds, during this time the female deposited two 1.8mm eggs into a pouch made by clamping her ventral fins together. The female then broke away from the male and proceeded to find a suitable place to deposit her eggs. Altogether 28 moderately sticky eggs (out of a scale of 1 to 10 the these were 3) were laid all on the tank sides, all at various levels.
    3. All the eggs were fertile and hatched in 4 days. 2 days after hatching the fry were free swimming and given pre-soaked powdered flake. This was followed by alternate small feedings of either brine shrimp or micro worm.
    4. Fry Development is pictured above. The fry grew rapidly and at 7 days were 6.2 mm, at 14 days 9.0 mm, in 1 month 12 mm, after 2 months 16.4 mm, and after three months 21.0 mm. Adult colouration in 10 weeks.
    5. After the spawning was complete the adult fish were removed, and the water treated with a few drops of methylene blue (1 drop per gal) to protect the eggs from fungal attack. Once the fry had hatched the water was changed at a rate of about 20% per day, for 5 days, removing the methylene blue concentration.]
    from [1. A ratio of 2:1 males to females has been successful at a pH of 7.2 and water at 76F which was reduced by approximately 5-6 degrees the day before spawning took place. It was back up to 76 when they began to spawn.
    2. The spawning followed the typical ' T ' mating clinch, where the female nuzzles into the side of the male at a point just behind the pectoral fin. The male then clamps the female by her barbels (hence the need for good barbels, poor barbels means poor grip and possibly poor fertilization). Once the grip is complete both fish seemed to tremble for a few seconds, during this time the female deposited two 1.8mm eggs into a pouch made by clamping her ventral fins together. The female then broke away from the male and proceeded to find a suitable place to deposit her eggs. Altogether 28 moderately sticky eggs (out of a scale of 1 to 10 the these were 3) were laid all on the tank sides, all at various levels.
    3. All the eggs were fertile and hatched in 4 days. 2 days after hatching the fry were free swimming and given pre-soaked powdered flake. This was followed by alternate small feedings of either brine shrimp or micro worm.
    4. Fry Development is pictured above. The fry grew rapidly and at 7 days were 6.2 mm, at 14 days 9.0 mm, in 1 month 12 mm, after 2 months 16.4 mm, and after three months 21.0 mm. Adult colouration in 10 weeks.
    5. After the spawning was complete the adult fish were removed, and the water treated with a few drops of methylene blue (1 drop per gal) to protect the eggs from fungal attack. Once the fry had hatched the water was changed at a rate of about 20% per day, for 5 days, removing the methylene blue concentration.].
  • Dec 02, 07:33 (Mochokidae)
    Sl changed to [220] from [200].

    Breeding changed to [] from [Unreported.].
  • Dec 01, 01:15 Garcialebias reicherti (Rivulidae)
    Desc_by changed to [Loureiro & García] from [Costa & Cheffe].

    Year changed to [2004] from [2001].

    Original_desc changed to [n] from [y].

    Type_locality changed to [Temporary pool 300 meters east of Rte 18, 1 kilometer north of Vergara City, about 32°55'S, 53°54'W, Dept. de Treinta y Tres, Uruguay.] from [Temporary pool close to arroio Chuí, road to Barra do Chuí, rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.].

    Type_loc_lat changed to [-32.916666666667] from [0].

    Type_loc_long changed to [-53.9] from [0].

    Literature changed to [Acta Zoológica Lilloana v. 48 (no. 1-2), pp 16, Figs. 2A-B.] from [Comunicações do Museu de Ciências da PUCRS, Série Zoologia v. 14 (no. 2), pp 182, Figs. 2-3.].
  • Dec 01, 01:15 (Callichthyidae)
    Desc_by changed to [Nijssen & Isbrücker] from [Nijssen & Isbrücker].

    Etymology changed to [nanus; dwarf.] from [nanus; dwarf.].

    Genus_feeding changed to [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.] from [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.].
  • Dec 01, 01:14 (Callichthyidae)
    Original_desc changed to [n] from [y].

    Identification changed to [Confused with C. parallelus, C. pulcher, C. ornatus and C. sp. (C141).] from [Confused with C. parallelus, C. pulcher, C. ornatus and C. sp. (C141).].

    Genus_feeding changed to [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.] from [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.].

    Breeding changed to [Has occasionally been bred in the aquarium; breeding follows the usual Cory formula. One published record details a water depth of 20cm, pH of 7.5, GH of 11°, KH 3° at a temperature of 23.3°C in a heavily planted tank.] from [Has occasionally been bred in the aquarium; breeding follows the usual Cory formula. One published record details a water depth of 20cm, pH of 7.5, GH of 11°, KH 3° at a temperature of 23.3°C in a heavily planted tank.].
  • Dec 01, 01:09 (Callichthyidae)
    Original_desc changed to [n] from [y].

    Identification changed to [Differs from Corydoras melanistius by having patterning in the caudal fin. Was elevated out of subspecies status (then known as Corydoras melanistius brevirostris) in 2001.] from [Differs from Corydoras melanistius by having patterning in the caudal fin. Was elevated out of subspecies status (then known as Corydoras melanistius brevirostris) in 2001.].

    Genus_feeding changed to [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.] from [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.].
  • Dec 01, 01:06 Garcialebias arachan (Rivulidae)
    Desc_by changed to [Loureiro, Azpelicueta & García] from [Loureiro, Azpelicueta & García].

    Original_desc changed to [n] from [y].
  • Dec 01, 01:03 (Callichthyidae)
    Original_desc changed to [n] from [y].

    Type_locality changed to [Rio Paru do Oreste, 2°12'N, 55°59'W, Pará State, northern Brazil.] from [Rio Paru do Oreste, 2°12'N, 55°59'W, Pará State, northern Brazil.].

    Distribution changed to [South America: Pará in Brazil and Maroni River in Suriname.] from [South America: Pará in Brazil and Maroni River in Suriname.].

    Genus_feeding changed to [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.] from [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.].
  • Dec 01, 00:56 Gymnolebias jaegari (Rivulidae)
    Desc_by changed to [Costa & Cheffe] from [Costa & Cheffe].

    Original_desc changed to [n] from [y].
  • Dec 01, 00:53 Amatolebias varzeae (Rivulidae)
    Desc_by changed to [Costa, Reis & Behr] from [Costa, Reis & Behr].

    Original_desc changed to [n] from [y].
  • Dec 01, 00:53 (Bagridae)
    Desc_by changed to [Ng & Tan] from [].

    Year changed to [2024] from [0].

    Original_desc changed to [y] from [].

    Type_locality changed to [Stream near Tangkiling, Rungan River sub-drainage, Kahayan River drainage, Kalimantan Tengah, Borneo.] from [].

    Literature changed to [Zootaxa 5496 (no. 4), pp 547, Fig. 1.] from [].

    Genus_identification changed to [Members of the bagrid genus Pseudomystus are small- to mid-sized freshwater catfish endemic to Southeast Asia.Pseudomystus are commonly found in swamps and rivers throughout Southeast Asia. They can be differentiated from Leiocassis by a relatively short snout and a subterminal mouth. Many Pseudomystus have a color pattern of contrasting vertical bars or blotches.] from [Members of the bagrid genus Pseudomystus are small- to mid-sized freshwater catfish endemic to Southeast Asia.Pseudomystus are commonly found in swamps and rivers throughout Southeast Asia. They can be differentiated from Leiocassis by a relatively short snout and a subterminal mouth. Many Pseudomystus have a color pattern of contrasting vertical bars or blotches.].
  • Dec 01, 00:53 Rineloricaria paraibensis (Loricariidae)
    Desc_by changed to [Mejia & Buckup] from [].

    Year changed to [2024] from [0].

    Original_desc changed to [y] from [].

    Type_locality changed to [A tributary of Bonito River, on the road between Dutra Highway (BR-116) and Fazenda da Serra Hotel, Paraíba do Sul basin, Itatiaia, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 22°27'43"S, 44°32'02"W.] from [].

    Type_loc_lat changed to [-22.461944444444] from [0].

    Type_loc_long changed to [-44.533888888889] from [0].

    Literature changed to [Journal of Fish Biology v. 105 (no. 1), pp 5, Figs. 2-3, 8b.] from [].
  • Dec 01, 00:52 (Amblycipitidae)
    Desc_by changed to [Chen, Guo & Wu] from [].

    Year changed to [2024] from [0].

    Original_desc changed to [y] from [].

    Type_locality changed to [Siling Reservoir, Tiaoxi River, Yuhang district, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China, 30°25'42"N, 119°45'18"E.] from [].

    Type_loc_lat changed to [30.428333333333] from [0].

    Type_loc_long changed to [119.755] from [0].

    Literature changed to [Zoosystematics and Evolution v. 100 (no. 2), pp 556, Figs. 1, 2A-C.] from [].
  • Dec 01, 00:52 Imparfinis mishky (Heptapteridae)
    Type_locality changed to [Esteros del Iberá, río Corriente, Capitá Miní, 28°53'15.3"S, 58°22'02.7"W, Río Paraná basin, Argentina.] from [Esteros del Iberá, río Corriente, Capitá Miní, 28°53'15.3"S, 58°22'02.7"W, Río Paraná basin, Argentina.].
  • Dec 01, 00:52 (Bagridae)
    Brazil_negative_list changed to [n] from [].

    Genus_identification changed to [Tachysurus can be identified by an extrascapular without a laterosensory canal, and a pterotic with a broad lateral laminar expansion. It is among the most speciose catfish groups in East Asia and its members inhabit habitats ranging from fast-flowing hillstreams to large rivers.] from [Tachysurus can be identified by an extrascapular without a laterosensory canal, and a pterotic with a broad lateral laminar expansion. It is among the most speciose catfish groups in East Asia and its members inhabit habitats ranging from fast-flowing hillstreams to large rivers.].

    Distribution changed to [East Asia: Yangtze River basin, China.] from [South and southeast Asia: Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand.].
  • Dec 01, 00:52 (Callichthyidae)
    Desc_by changed to [Tencatt, Gomes & Evers] from [Tencatt, Gomes & Evers].

    Original_desc changed to [n] from [y].

    Type_locality changed to [Small stream tributary to the rio Araza, a bigger affluent of the rio Inambari, itself a tributary to the rio Madre de Dios, rio Madeira basin, Camanti District, Quispicanchi Province, Cusco Region, Peru, 13°16'18"S, 70°46'33"W.] from [Small stream tributary to the rio Araza, a bigger affluent of the rio Inambari, itself a tributary to the rio Madre de Dios, rio Madeira basin, Camanti District, Quispicanchi Province, Cusco Region, Peru, 13°16'18"S, 70°46'33"W.].

    Genus_feeding changed to [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.] from [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.].
  • Dec 01, 00:52 (Bagridae)
    Desc_by changed to [Zhou, Yuan & Shao] from [].

    Year changed to [2024] from [0].

    Original_desc changed to [y] from [].

    Type_locality changed to [Qiantang-Jiang at Jiulongshan National Natural Reserve, Suichang County, Zhejiang Province, China, 28°23'38"N, 118°53'41"E.] from [].

    Type_loc_lat changed to [28.393888888889] from [0].

    Type_loc_long changed to [118.89472222222] from [0].

    Literature changed to [Zoosystematics and Evolution v. 100 (no. 2), pp 589, Figs. 6, 8B.] from [].

    Genus_identification changed to [Tachysurus can be identified by an extrascapular without a laterosensory canal, and a pterotic with a broad lateral laminar expansion. It is among the most speciose catfish groups in East Asia and its members inhabit habitats ranging from fast-flowing hillstreams to large rivers.] from [Tachysurus can be identified by an extrascapular without a laterosensory canal, and a pterotic with a broad lateral laminar expansion. It is among the most speciose catfish groups in East Asia and its members inhabit habitats ranging from fast-flowing hillstreams to large rivers.].
  • Nov 28, 14:06 Matilebias litzi (Rivulidae)
    Original_desc changed to [n] from [y].
  • Nov 28, 14:04 Matilebias juanlangi (Rivulidae)
    Desc_by changed to [Costa, Cheffe, Salvia & Litz] from [Costa, Cheffe, Salvia & Litz].

    Original_desc changed to [n] from [y].

    Type_locality changed to [Temporary swamp near banhado do Minuano, road BR-153, Rio Jaguão basin, a tributary of lagoa Mirim, laguna dos Patos System, 31°40'48"S, 54°08'45"W, Jaguarão, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.] from [Temporary swamp near banhado do Minuano, road BR-153, Rio Jaguão basin, a tributary of lagoa Mirim, laguna dos Patos System, 31°40'48"S, 54°08'45"W, Jaguarão, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.].
  • Nov 28, 12:18 (Acestrorhamphidae)
    Desc_by changed to [Eigenmann & Henn] from [Eigenmann & Henn].

    Original_desc changed to [n] from [y].
  • Nov 28, 12:17 (Acestrorhamphidae)
    Desc_by changed to [Fowler] from [Durbin].

    Year changed to [1942] from [1909].

    Original_desc changed to [n] from [y].

    Type_locality changed to [Aquarium fish without locality, thought to have been obtained in Brazil.] from [Gluck Island, Essequibo River, Guyana (a river island at about 6°00' to 6°05'N, 58°36'W).].

    Genus_etymology changed to [Hyphessobrycon: hyphesson, -on, -on = a little smaller + Greek, bryko = to bite.] from [Hyphessobrycon: hyphesson, -on, -on = a little smaller + Greek, bryko = to bite.].

    Literature changed to [The Fish Culturist v. 22 (no. 1), pp 1, Fig.] from [Annals of the Carnegie Museum v. 6 (no. 1), pp 67.].
  • Nov 28, 12:13 (Xenocyprididae)
    Desc_by changed to [Nikolskii] from [Warpachowski].

    Year changed to [1904] from [1888].

    Original_desc changed to [n] from [y].

    Type_locality changed to [Lake Buir-Nor, eastern Mongolia.] from [Chang Jiang [Yangtze River] ?, China.].

    Literature changed to [Ezhegodnik. Zoologicheskogo Muzeya Akademii Nauk SSSR v. 8 (for 1903), pp 359 [4].] from [Bulletin de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de St. Pétersbourg (Series 3) v. 32, pp 20.].
  • Nov 28, 12:13 (Callichthyidae)
    Desc_by changed to [Tencatt, Britto & Pavanelli] from [Tencatt, Britto & Pavanelli].

    Original_desc changed to [n] from [y].

    Type_locality changed to [Paraná, Cândido de Abreu, rio Maria Flora, tributary to rio Ubazinho, rio Ivaí basin, 24°36’32"S, 51°15’32"W, Brazil.] from [Paraná, Cândido de Abreu, rio Maria Flora, tributary to rio Ubazinho, rio Ivaí basin, 24°36’32"S, 51°15’32"W, Brazil.].

    Genus_feeding changed to [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.] from [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.].
  • Nov 28, 12:11 Julidochromis brichardi (Cichlidae)
    Original_desc changed to [n] from [y].

    Genus_etymology changed to [Julidochromis: Taken from marine wrasse "julidini"; also from Greek, ioulis = a fish dealing with genera Coris or Thalassoma.] from [Julidochromis: Taken from marine wrasse "julidini"; also from Greek, ioulis = a fish dealing with genera Coris or Thalassoma.].

    Etymology changed to [brichardi Named after Pierre Brichard, a famous Belgian ichthyologist and student of African fish.] from [brichardi Named after Pierre Brichard, a famous Belgian ichthyologist and student of African fish.].
  • Nov 28, 12:10 (Callichthyidae)
    Desc_by changed to [Espíndola, Spencer, Rocha & Britto] from [Espíndola, Spencer, Rocha & Britto].

    Original_desc changed to [n] from [y].

    Type_locality changed to [Ribeirão Oito de Julho, a tributary of the right margin of rio Arinos, Rio Tapajós basin, road MT‑338 between Tapurah-Nova Paraná, Porto dos Gaúchos, Mato Grosso, 11°41’44"S, 57°06’42"W, Brazil.] from [Ribeirão Oito de Julho, a tributary of the right margin of rio Arinos, Rio Tapajós basin, road MT‑338 between Tapurah-Nova Paraná, Porto dos Gaúchos, Mato Grosso, 11°41’44"S, 57°06’42"W, Brazil.].

    Etymology changed to [The name apiakais a noun in apposition, named for the indigenous Apiaká tribe; the tribe is known for facial tattoos, bravery in battles, and cannibalistic rituals.] from [The name apiakais a noun in apposition, named for the indigenous Apiaká tribe; the tribe is known for facial tattoos, bravery in battles, and cannibalistic rituals.].

    Literature changed to [Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo v. 54 (no. 3), pp 26, Figs. 1-2.] from [Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo v. 54 (no. 3), pp 26, Figs. 1-2.].

    Identification changed to [C. apiaka can be identified by the following traits: Having the dorsal fin spine smaller than the three anterior branched dorsal fin rays; having numerous dark-brown spots with diffuse borders over the head and body, scattered in a somewhat random pattern; having pectoral, pelvic and anal fins hyaline, and adipose fin hyaline or bearing one spot; lacking blotches on interradial membrane of dorsal fin; lacking spots over the anal fin base; lacking small platelets on the belly (i.e., the belly is naked).] from [C. apiaka can be identified by the following traits: Having the dorsal fin spine smaller than the three anterior branched dorsal fin rays; having numerous dark-brown spots with diffuse borders over the head and body, scattered in a somewhat random pattern; having pectoral, pelvic and anal fins hyaline, and adipose fin hyaline or bearing one spot; lacking blotches on interradial membrane of dorsal fin; lacking spots over the anal fin base; lacking small platelets on the belly (i.e., the belly is naked).].

    General changed to [Corydoras apiaka resembles other spotted corys such as C. albolineatus, C. maculifer, C. multimaculatus, C. polystictus and C. xinguensis.] from [Corydoras apiaka resembles other spotted corys such as C. albolineatus, C. maculifer, C. multimaculatus, C. polystictus and C. xinguensis.].

    Distribution changed to [Tributaries of the rio Arinos, rio Teles Pires and rio Preto, all in the rio Tapajós basin.] from [Tributaries of the rio Arinos, rio Teles Pires and rio Preto, all in the rio Tapajós basin.].

    Water changed to [In nature, C. apiaka is found mostly in rapidly-moving fresh water with muddy-brown color, over a soft bottom of clay and sand. Often captured in small forest streams of black or clear water, or in marginal ponds.] from [In nature, C. apiaka is found mostly in rapidly-moving fresh water with muddy-brown color, over a soft bottom of clay and sand. Often captured in small forest streams of black or clear water, or in marginal ponds.].

    Genus_feeding changed to [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.] from [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.].
  • Nov 28, 12:10 (Callichthyidae)
    Original_desc changed to [n] from [y].

    Genus_feeding changed to [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.] from [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.].
  • Nov 28, 12:08 Hoplisoma steindachneri (Callichthyidae)
    Desc_by changed to [Isbrücker & Nijssen] from [Isbrücker & Nijssen].

    Original_desc changed to [n] from [y].

    Genus_feeding changed to [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.] from [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.].
  • Nov 28, 12:07 (Callichthyidae)
    Desc_by changed to [Espíndola, Tencatt, Pupo, Villa‐Verde & Britto] from [Espíndola, Tencatt, Pupo, Villa‐Verde & Britto].

    Original_desc changed to [n] from [y].

    Type_locality changed to [Rio Culuene, a tributary to the Rio Xingu, between Canarana and Gaúcha do Norte, Mato Grosso, Brazil, 13°30'52"S, 53°05'34"W.] from [Rio Culuene, a tributary to the Rio Xingu, between Canarana and Gaúcha do Norte, Mato Grosso, Brazil, 13°30'52"S, 53°05'34"W.].

    Etymology changed to [benattii = Named in honour of the late Laert Benatti for his humanitarian work, providing fresh water from artesian wells to poor communities in Brazil.] from [benattii = Named in honour of the late Laert Benatti for his humanitarian work, providing fresh water from artesian wells to poor communities in Brazil.].

    Distribution changed to [Corydoras benattii occurs in both the Rio Xingu and Rio Tapajós basins, Brazilian Amazon. In the Rio Xingu basin, it is known in Mato Grosso State from tributaries to the Rio Culuene, a clearwater tributary of the upper Rio Xingu (type locality) and in Pará State from the Rio Fresco sub drainage (Rio Trairão and Igarapé Manguari), middle Rio Xingu and from the lower Rio Xingu basin near Altamira. In the Rio Tapajós basin, it occurs in the Rio Peixoto de Azevedo, a tributary to the Rio Teles Pires, Mato Grosso and from Rio Cururu, a tributary to the Rio São Manuel, Pará.] from [Corydoras benattii occurs in both the Rio Xingu and Rio Tapajós basins, Brazilian Amazon. In the Rio Xingu basin, it is known in Mato Grosso State from tributaries to the Rio Culuene, a clearwater tributary of the upper Rio Xingu (type locality) and in Pará State from the Rio Fresco sub drainage (Rio Trairão and Igarapé Manguari), middle Rio Xingu and from the lower Rio Xingu basin near Altamira. In the Rio Tapajós basin, it occurs in the Rio Peixoto de Azevedo, a tributary to the Rio Teles Pires, Mato Grosso and from Rio Cururu, a tributary to the Rio São Manuel, Pará.].

    Genus_feeding changed to [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.] from [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.].
  • Nov 28, 12:06 Matilebias paucisquama (Rivulidae)
    Desc_by changed to [Ferrer, Malabarba & Costa] from [Ferrer, Malabarba & Costa].

    Original_desc changed to [n] from [y].

    Type_locality changed to [São Sepé, temporary pool close to BR-290 highway (30°22'27"S, 53°33'42"W), rio Vacacaí drainage, rio Jacuí tributary, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.] from [São Sepé, temporary pool close to BR-290 highway (30°22'27"S, 53°33'42"W), rio Vacacaí drainage, rio Jacuí tributary, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.].
  • Nov 28, 12:05 Rhinotridens britskii (Trichomycteridae)
    Desc_by changed to [de Pinna, Reis, Pastana & Datovo] from [].

    Year changed to [2024] from [0].

    Original_desc changed to [y] from [].

    Type_locality changed to [Igarapé Boa Vista, upstream from mouth of rio Queixito, rio Itacoaí subdrainage (sometimes called Itacoari or Itaquaí), rio Javari drainage, Amazon River basin, Atalaia do Norte Municipality, Amazonas State, Brazil, 04°26'37"S, 70°14'11"W.] from [].

    Type_loc_lat changed to [-4.4436111111111] from [0].

    Type_loc_long changed to [-70.236388888889] from [0].

    Literature changed to [Neotropical Ichthyology v. 22 (no. 2): e240025, pp 4, Figs. 1-10.] from [].
  • Nov 28, 12:05 Chrysichthys grandis (Claroteidae)
    Desc_by changed to [Boulenger] from [].

    Year changed to [1917] from [0].

    Type_locality changed to [Kilewa Bay, Lake Tanganyika.] from [].

    Genus_etymology changed to [Chrysichthys: From the Greek chrysos, meaning golden and ichthys, meaning fish; in reference to the golden-yellow color (of the type species, C. auratus).] from [Chrysichthys: From the Greek chrysos, meaning golden and ichthys, meaning fish; in reference to the golden-yellow color (of the type species, C. auratus).].

    Literature changed to [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 8) v. 20 (no. 119): 363-368.] from [].

    Literature_url changed to [] from [].

    Sl changed to [570] from [0].

    Identification changed to [Depth of body 4 to 4.75 times in total length, length of head 3 to 3.25 times. Head much flattened, as long as broad, smooth ; occipital process in contact with interneural shield; snout broadly rounded, projecting very feebly beyond mouth; eye 8.5 to 10 times in length of head and 3.67 to 5 times in interocular width ; width of mouth 1.5 times in length of head; band of premaxillary teeth feebly curved, 7.5 to 8 times as long as broad; vomero-pterygoid teeth in a long and rather broad band narrowly interrupted in the middle. Nasal barbel 1.5 to 1.67 times diameter of eye, maxillary barbel 0.5 to 0.67 length of head, outer mandibular 0.25. Gill-rakers moderately long, 11 or 12 on lower part of anterior arch. Dorsal I 6, equally distant from end of snout and from caudal; spine small, smooth, about 0.25 length of head. Adipose dorsal twice as long as deep, as long as or a little shorter than rayed dorsal, from which it is separated by a space 2.25 to 3 times its length. Anal IV 8. Pectoral spine 0.25 to 0.33 length of head, feebly serrated on inner side. Caudal notched, with rounded lobes, longest rays about twice as long as median. Caudal peduncle hardly 1.5 times as long as deep. Dark brown; belly white.] from [].

    General changed to [According to the original description, C. grandis is similar to C. myriodon (syn. of C. brachynema, but the former with a smoother head, longer nasal barbel, shorter dorsal and pectoral spines, and its band of teeth on the palate narrower on the sides.] from [].

    Distribution changed to [Lake Tanganyika, eastern Africa.] from [].
  • Nov 28, 12:03 Hoplisoma osvaldi (Callichthyidae)
    Desc_by changed to [] from [Wright & Page].

    Year changed to [0] from [2006].

    Type_locality changed to [] from [Chaitika, Tanzania, Lake Tanganyika.].

    Brazil_negative_list changed to [n] from [].

    Etymology changed to [] from [The specific name is a combination of the latin ile, meaning intestine, and the Latin brevis, meaning short, a reference to the relatively short gut of this species].

    Literature changed to [] from [Bulletin of the Florida Museum of Natural History v. 46 (no. 4), pp 117, Figs. 5D, 13-14.].

    Identification changed to [] from [Dorsum olive brown, covered with small, regularly shaped, widely spaced, black spots. Belly lighter with smaller, regularly shaped, black spots. Maxillary and mandibular barbels white. Iris copper colored. dorsal and pectoral-fin spines dark, terminating in short dusky filaments. Pectoral spine with thin, light stripe along anterior margin. all rayed fins with black triangle at their base, posterior margins dusky. Triangles may be completely solid or composed of closely spaced spots. Both lobes of caudal fin with black bars from base to tip of fin, posterior margins dusky.

    Could be confused with Synodontis polli which has moderate to large, irregular, more closely spaced spots as opposed to small, round widely spaced spots on the skin in Synodontis ilebrevis.].

    Distribution changed to [] from [Africa: Lake Tanganyika.].

    Genus_feeding changed to [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.] from [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.].

    Feeding changed to [] from [Their short gut and lack of a hindgut chamber suggest that this species is suited to a more carnivorous diet.].

    Breeding changed to [] from [Unreported.].
  • Nov 28, 12:01 (Callichthyidae)
    Original_desc changed to [n] from [y].

    Distribution changed to [South America: Upper Paraná River basin.] from [South America: Upper Paraná River basin.].

    Genus_feeding changed to [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.] from [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.].
  • Nov 26, 10:55 (Callichthyidae)
    Literature changed to [Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, n.s. v. 11 (no. 2) [for 2009], pp 200, Fig. 1.] from [for 2009], pp 200, Fig. 1 [Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, n.s. v. 11 (no. 2).].
  • Nov 26, 10:54 (Callichthyidae)
    Sl changed to [40] from [50].

    Distribution changed to [South America: western tributaries of Paraná River in Salta, Argentina.] from [Western tributaries of Paraná River in Salta Province, Argentina.].
  • Nov 26, 10:48 (Callichthyidae)
    Literature changed to [Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, n.s. v. 11 (no. 2) [for 2009], pp 204, Fig. 2.] from [for 2009], pp 204, Fig. 2 [Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, n.s. v. 11 (no. 2).].
  • Nov 24, 16:31 (Callichthyidae)
    Desc_by changed to [Tencatt, Britto & Pavanelli] from [Tencatt, Britto & Pavanelli].

    Original_desc changed to [n] from [y].

    Type_locality changed to [Rio Pelotas, Esmeralda, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, 27°47’51"S, 51°10’17"W.] from [Rio Pelotas, Esmeralda, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, 27°47’51"S, 51°10’17"W.].

    Etymology changed to [froehlichi, in honor and memory of Dr. Otávio Froehlich (1958-2015), UFMS (Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul).] from [froehlichi, in honor and memory of Dr. Otávio Froehlich (1958-2015), UFMS (Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul).].

    Identification changed to [Corydoras froehlichi can be distinguished from Corydoras paleatus and similar corys by the presence of striated black spots from the snout tip to nuchal plate region, forming a somewhat marbled pattern (vs. spots, when present, conspicuously rounded or irregular, not forming a marbled pattern). Additionally, C. froehlichi can be distinguished from its most similar congeners by the absence of small plates on the ventral surface of the trunk (vs. presence), and by having markedly rounded snout (vs. relatively pointed snout).] from [Corydoras froehlichi can be distinguished from Corydoras paleatus and similar corys by the presence of striated black spots from the snout tip to nuchal plate region, forming a somewhat marbled pattern (vs. spots, when present, conspicuously rounded or irregular, not forming a marbled pattern). Additionally, C. froehlichi can be distinguished from its most similar congeners by the absence of small plates on the ventral surface of the trunk (vs. presence), and by having markedly rounded snout (vs. relatively pointed snout).].

    Sexing changed to [Males have a lanceolate genital papilla (see Nijssen & Isbrücker, 1980; Britto, 2003). Like C. paleatus, male C. froehlichi also have dorsal-fin spine and odontodes more developed than females, and males' first and second dorsal-fin branched rays slightly surpassing dorsal-spine tip. Females are generally larger than males. In addition, presence of elongated pelvic fin in males, vs. shorter, rounded pelvic fins in females.] from [Males have a lanceolate genital papilla (see Nijssen & Isbrücker, 1980; Britto, 2003). Like C. paleatus, male C. froehlichi also have dorsal-fin spine and odontodes more developed than females, and males' first and second dorsal-fin branched rays slightly surpassing dorsal-spine tip. Females are generally larger than males. In addition, presence of elongated pelvic fin in males, vs. shorter, rounded pelvic fins in females.].

    Genus_feeding changed to [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.] from [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.].
  • Nov 24, 16:19 Hippocampus erectus (Syngnathidae)
    Literature changed to [Ichthyology. In: Arcana, or The Museum of Natural History v. 1, pp Unnumbered page, Pl. XLV.] from [Ichthyology. In: Arcana, or, The Museum of Natural History v. 1, pp Unnumbered p. 177, Pl. 45.].
  • Nov 23, 19:51 (Mochokidae)
    Genus_etymology changed to [According to Cuvier, Synodontis is an "ancient name for an undetermined fish from the Nile". It is apparently not derived, as often reported, from syn-, together and odous, tooth, presumed etymology of the lizardfish genus Synodus and in reference to the closely-spaced lower jaw teeth of both genera.] from [According to Cuvier, Synodontis is an "ancient name for an undetermined fish from the Nile". It is apparently not derived, as often reported, from syn-, together and odous, tooth, presumed etymology of the lizardfish genus Synodus and in reference to the closely-spaced lower jaw teeth of both genera.].

    Genus_identification changed to [All species in the genus Synodontis have a hardened head cap that has attached a process (humeral process) which is situated behind the gill opening and pointed towards the posterior. The dorsal fin and pectoral fins have a hardened first ray which is serrated. Caudal fin is always forked. There is one pair of maxillary barbels, sometimes having membranes and occasionally branched. The two pairs of mandibular barbels are often branched and can have nodes attached. The cone-shaped teeth in the upper jaw are short. S-shaped and movable in the lower jaw. These fish produce audible sounds when disturbed rubbing the base of the pectoral spine against the pectoral girdle.] from [All species in the genus Synodontis have a hardened head cap that has attached a process (humeral process) which is situated behind the gill opening and pointed towards the posterior. The dorsal fin and pectoral fins have a hardened first ray which is serrated. Caudal fin is always forked. There is one pair of maxillary barbels, sometimes having membranes and occasionally branched. The two pairs of mandibular barbels are often branched and can have nodes attached. The cone-shaped teeth in the upper jaw are short. S-shaped and movable in the lower jaw. These fish produce audible sounds when disturbed rubbing the base of the pectoral spine against the pectoral girdle.].

    Sexing changed to [Males are larger and more robust than females. Can be sexed by genital papilla, as per other Synodontis spp.] from [Males are larger and more robust than females. Can be sexed by genital papilla, as per other Synodontis spp.].

    General changed to [Nomen novum for Synodontis eurystomus Matthes, 1959, preoccupied by Synodontis eurystomus Pfeffer, 1889. Although the type specimens are from Burundian waters, the species appears to be widely distributed around the lake, with some regional variation in appearance. Schraml [DATZ, 2003] reports possible S. polli variant from Lake Mweru.] from [Nomen novum for Synodontis eurystomus Matthes, 1959, preoccupied by Synodontis eurystomus Pfeffer, 1889. Although the type specimens are from Burundian waters, the species appears to be widely distributed around the lake, with some regional variation in appearance. Schraml [DATZ, 2003] reports possible S. polli variant from Lake Mweru.].

    Water changed to [Clean, stable and hard water conditions, as per other Lake Tanganyika Synodontis. Strong current not necessary, but tolerated.] from [Clean, stable and hard water conditions, as per other Lake Tanganyika Synodontis. Strong current not necessary, but tolerated.].

    Feeding changed to [Ominivore, with a preference for meaty foods. Will readily take flake foods, but should be fed a varied diet, supplemented by frozen and live foods. While spirulina is easily accepted, unlike S. multipunctatus, S. petricola, and even S. dhonti, S. polli will not eat vegetables such as cucumber, zucchini, etc. Plants are untouched.] from [Ominivore, with a preference for meaty foods. Will readily take flake foods, but should be fed a varied diet, supplemented by frozen and live foods. While spirulina is easily accepted, unlike S. multipunctatus, S. petricola, and even S. dhonti, S. polli will not eat vegetables such as cucumber, zucchini, etc. Plants are untouched.].

    Breeding changed to [Many reports, but none confirmed. Upon investigation, reported spawnings have been of species other than S. polli.] from [Many reports, but none confirmed. Upon investigation, reported spawnings have been of species other than S. polli.].
  • Nov 23, 00:31 (Auchenoglanididae)
    Type_locality changed to [Near Logobaba, Cameroon (4°02'N, 9°45'W).] from [Near Logobaba, Cameroon (4°02'N, 9°45'W).].

    Type_loc_notes changed to [The original description lists the type locality as "a small stream in the jungle 2 km south of Logobaba (4°2' N, 9°45' E of Gr.)." The correct longitude should be 9.75, not -9.75.] from [].

    Type_loc_lat changed to [4.0333333333] from [4.0333333333333].

    Type_loc_long changed to [9.75] from [-9.75].

    Type_loc_comp_lat changed to [4.0333333333333] from [0].

    Type_loc_comp_long changed to [-9.75] from [0].

    Brazil_negative_list changed to [n] from [].

    Pronunciation changed to [munk eye.] from [].

    Genus_etymology changed to [Parauchenoglanis: The Greek prefix para means near; in reference to the resemblance to Auchenoglanis.] from [Parauchenoglanis: The Greek prefix para means near; in reference to the resemblance to Auchenoglanis.].

    Etymology changed to [monkei, in honor of Dr. H. Monke who collected the holotype.] from [].

    Literature_url changed to [] from [].

    Genus_identification changed to [In all Parauchenoglanis the small eyes are not covered by a transparent skin (having a free border). The first dorsal spine is small, the second large and strong followed by seven branched fin rays (rarely eight). Pectoral fin with one spine and 7-8 branched rays, pelvic fin with six rays (of which five are branched), anal fin with 6-10 branched rays. Edge of caudal is straight or rounded.] from [In all Parauchenoglanis the small eyes are not covered by a transparent skin (having a free border). The first dorsal spine is small, the second large and strong followed by seven branched fin rays (rarely eight). Pectoral fin with one spine and 7-8 branched rays, pelvic fin with six rays (of which five are branched), anal fin with 6-10 branched rays. Edge of caudal is straight or rounded.].

    Identification changed to [For P. guttatus overall coloration light brown to greyish brown with five or six (exceptionally four or seven) dark vertical bands on flanks, that sometimes appear to consist of very large, merging spots. Small spots may be present between these bands, as well as on head and fins. As in most Parauchenoglanis species, the degree of pigmentation may vary between individual specimens.] from [For P. guttatus overall coloration light brown to greyish brown with five or six (exceptionally four or seven) dark vertical bands on flanks, that sometimes appear to consist of very large, merging spots. Small spots may be present between these bands, as well as on head and fins. As in most Parauchenoglanis species, the degree of pigmentation may vary between individual specimens.].

    General changed to [See also Oefvers. Svensk. Vet. Akad. Förh.1895 (no. 3) - pp184 Fresh and Brackish Water Fishes of Lower Guinea, West Central Africa, Stiassny, Teugels, Hopkins, pg.603 Geerinckx T., Adriaens D., Teugels G.G. & Verraes W., 2004. A systematic revision of the African catfish genus Parauchenoglanis Boulenger, 1911 (Siluriformes: Claroteidae). Journal of Natural History, 38 (6): 775-803. Geerinckx T., Risch L., Vreven E., Adriaens D. & Teugels G.G., 2007. Claroteidae. In Poissons d’eaux douces et saumâtres de Basse Guinée, ouest de l’Afrique Centrale – The fresh and brackish water fishes of Lower Guinea, West Central Africa (Stiassny M.L.J., Teugels G.G. & Hopkins C.D., eds). RMCA (Tervuren) & IRD (Paris), p. 586-629; and Sithole et al. (2024). Nine in one: Integrative taxonomic evidence of hidden species diversity in the widespread Zambezi grunter, Parauchenoglanis ngamensis (Siluriformes: Auchenoglanididae), from southern and south-central Africa. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 202(3), zlae121.] from [See also Oefvers. Svensk. Vet. Akad. Förh.1895 (no. 3) - pp184 Fresh and Brackish Water Fishes of Lower Guinea, West Central Africa, Stiassny, Teugels, Hopkins, pg.603 Geerinckx T., Adriaens D., Teugels G.G. & Verraes W., 2004. A systematic revision of the African catfish genus Parauchenoglanis Boulenger, 1911 (Siluriformes: Claroteidae). Journal of Natural History, 38 (6): 775-803. Geerinckx T., Risch L., Vreven E., Adriaens D. & Teugels G.G., 2007. Claroteidae. In Poissons d’eaux douces et saumâtres de Basse Guinée, ouest de l’Afrique Centrale – The fresh and brackish water fishes of Lower Guinea, West Central Africa (Stiassny M.L.J., Teugels G.G. & Hopkins C.D., eds). RMCA (Tervuren) & IRD (Paris), p. 586-629.].

    Distribution changed to [Africa: from the Ouémé River in Benin to the Sanaga River in Cameroon. Reported from Democratic Republic of the Congo.] from [Africa: from the Ouémé River in Benin to the Sanaga River in Cameroon. Reported from Democratic Republic of the Congo.].

    Breeding changed to [] from [Unreported.].
  • Nov 23, 00:30 (Bagridae)
    Brazil_negative_list changed to [n] from [].

    Identification changed to [Sperata is easily distinguished from other bagrids in having a long, depressed head and (often) a dark spot at the posterior base of the adipose fin.] from [Sperata is easily distinguished from other bagrids in having a long, depressed head and (often) a dark spot at the posterior base of the adipose fin.].

    Sexing changed to [Males are more slender, slightly shorter, and have an elongate genital papilla in front of the anal fin.] from [Males are more slender and have an elongate genital papilla in front of the anal fin.].

    Breeding changed to [Not reported in aquaria.
    Spawning is said to occur before the beginning of the southwest monsoon season in India. Individuals spawn at irregular intervals throughout the reproductive season and females can produce more than 1.2 million ova.
    It has been suggested that the males incubate the eggs in highly vascularized, spongy skin on the ventral surface of their abdomen and then feed the newly hatched fry with a milky-white exudate from the abdominal wall.]
    from [Not reported in aquaria.
    Spawning is said to occur before the beginning of the southwest monsoon season in India. Individuals spawn at irregular intervals throughout the reproductive season and females can produce more than 1.2 million ova.
    It has been suggested that the males incubate the eggs in highly vascularized, spongy skin on the ventral surface of their abdomen and then feed the newly-hatched fry with a milky-white exudate from the abdominal wall.].
  • Nov 20, 20:53 Tachysurus taeniatus (Bagridae)
    Desc_by changed to [Günther] from [].

    Year changed to [1873] from [0].

    Original_desc changed to [n] from [].

    Type_locality changed to [Shanghai, China.] from [].

    Literature changed to [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 4) v. 12 (no. 69) (art. 31), pp 245.] from [].

    Genus_identification changed to [Tachysurus can be identified by an extrascapular without a laterosensory canal, and a pterotic with a broad lateral laminar expansion. It is among the most speciose catfish groups in East Asia and its members inhabit habitats ranging from fast-flowing hillstreams to large rivers.] from [Tachysurus can be identified by an extrascapular without a laterosensory canal, and a pterotic with a broad lateral laminar expansion. It is among the most speciose catfish groups in East Asia and its members inhabit habitats ranging from fast-flowing hillstreams to large rivers.].
  • Nov 20, 00:11 (Loricariidae)
  • Nov 19, 16:56 (Trichomycteridae) New Species
  • Nov 19, 11:59 Pseudotocinclus tietensis (Loricariidae)
    Literature changed to [Notas preliminares; editadas pela redaccão da Revista do Museu Paulista v. 1 (fasc. 1), pp 26.] from [Revista do Museu Paulista (N. S.) v. 1 (fasc. 1), pp 26.].
  • Nov 19, 11:53 (Loricariidae)
    Desc_by changed to [Neuhaus, Meza-Vargas, Herrera & Lujan] from [Neuhaus, Meza-Vargas, Herrera & Lujan].

    Type_locality changed to [Caño Pichanas, tributary of Palcazú River, Pachitea and Ucayali River drainages, Amazon River basin, town of San Pedro de Pichanas, Villa Rica district, Oxapampa Province, Peru, 10°29'12.84"S, 75°2'5.34" W.] from [Caño Pichanas, tributary of Palcazú River, Pachitea and Ucayali River drainages, Amazon River basin, town of San Pedro de Pichanas, Villa Rica district, Oxapampa Province, Peru, 10°29'12.84"S, 75°2'5.34" W.].

    Genus_etymology changed to [The name Ancistrus is derived from the Greek word agkistron, meaning hook, in reference to the interopercular odontodes that are hooked.] from [The name Ancistrus is derived from the Greek word agkistron, meaning hook, in reference to the interopercular odontodes that are hooked.].

    Genus_identification changed to [Mature males and sometimes females have soft tentacles (bushy fleshy growths) on the snout - this is unique to the genus Ancistrus.] from [Mature males and sometimes females have soft tentacles (bushy fleshy growths) on the snout - this is unique to the genus Ancistrus.].

    Identification changed to [This species has dark fins and a network head pattern giving way to regular stripeds along the flanks of the fish. Overall the colouration is reminiscent of adult male Corydoras napoensis.] from [This species has dark fins and a network head pattern giving way to regular stripeds along the flanks of the fish. Overall the colouration is reminiscent of adult male Corydoras napoensis.].

    Genus_feeding changed to [Ancistrus should be fed mainly on vegetarian foods. Prepared foods include algae wafers and spirulina based sinking food. Vegetables such as courgette/zucchini, and (English) cucumber are an excellent addition to the diet, along with the odd, small amount of more meaty foods.] from [Ancistrus should be fed mainly on vegetarian foods. Prepared foods include algae wafers and spirulina based sinking food. Vegetables such as courgette/zucchini, and (English) cucumber are an excellent addition to the diet, along with the odd, small amount of more meaty foods.].

    Genus_breeding changed to [All Ancistrus species are cave-breeders, where the male looks after the eggs and young fry.] from [All Ancistrus species are cave-breeders, where the male looks after the eggs and young fry.].
  • Nov 19, 11:25 (Auchenipteridae)
    Original_desc changed to [-] from [].

    Brazil_negative_list changed to [n] from [].

    Genus_etymology changed to [Glanidium: Diminutive of Greek glanis, meaning catfish, i.e. "small catfish" literally.] from [Glanidium: Diminutive of Greek glanis, meaning catfish, i.e. "small catfish" literally.].
  • Nov 19, 10:53 Rhamdioglanis frenatus (Heptapteridae)
    Literature changed to [Notas preliminares; editadas pela redaccão da Revista do Museu Paulista v. 1 (fasc. 1), pp 16 [17].] from [Revista do Museu Paulista (N. S.) v. 1 (fasc. 1), pp 16 [17].].

    Distribution changed to [South America: streams in the São Sebastião Island, Brazil.] from [South America: streams in the São Sebastião Island, Brazil.].
  • Nov 19, 10:53 Hypostomus minotauros (Loricariidae)
    Desc_by changed to [Zawadzki, Penido, Pessali & Lucinda] from [Zawadzki, Penido, Pessali & Lucinda].

    Type_locality changed to [Rio Macacos, tributary of Rio Paranã, Rio Tocantins basin, Flores de Goiás, Goiás State, Brazil, 14°27'36"S, 47°00"33"W.] from [Rio Macacos, tributary of Rio Paranã, Rio Tocantins basin, Flores de Goiás, Goiás State, Brazil, 14°27'36"S, 47°00"33"W.].
  • Nov 19, 10:49 (Cyprinidae)
    Type_locality changed to [Laos Mountains, Cochinchine.] from [Laos Mts., Cochinchine.].
  • Nov 19, 10:18 Cambeva cf. perkos (Trichomycteridae) New Species
  • Nov 18, 12:45 Parauchenoglanis chiumbeensis (Auchenoglanididae)
  • Nov 18, 12:26 Parauchenoglanis luendaensis (Auchenoglanididae)
  • Nov 18, 12:24 Parauchenoglanis megalasma (Auchenoglanididae)
  • Nov 18, 12:23 Parauchenoglanis ernstswartzi (Auchenoglanididae)
  • Nov 18, 11:53 Parauchenoglanis patersoni (Auchenoglanididae)
  • Nov 18, 11:53 Parauchenoglanis dolichorhinus (Auchenoglanididae)
  • Nov 18, 11:53 Parauchenoglanis poikilos (Auchenoglanididae)
  • Nov 18, 11:08 Parauchenoglanis lueleensis (Auchenoglanididae)
  • Nov 17, 15:12 (Auchenoglanididae)
    Desc_by changed to [Modimo, Bernt, Monsembula Iyaba, Mbimbi & Liyandja] from [].

    Year changed to [2024] from [0].

    Original_desc changed to [y] from [].

    Type_locality changed to [Ndzaa River, 4.6 km upstream of the Ndzaa confluence with the Mfimi River, Kutu Territory, Mai-Ndombe Province, D. R. Congo, 02°48'17.3"S, 18°11'08.0"E.] from [].

    Type_loc_lat changed to [-2.8048055555556] from [0].

    Type_loc_long changed to [18.185555555556] from [0].

    Literature changed to [Journal of Fish Biology Early view, pp 5, Figs. 2, 6, 7.] from [].

    Genus_identification changed to [In all Parauchenoglanis the small eyes are not covered by a transparent skin (having a free border). The first dorsal spine is small, the second large and strong followed by seven branched fin rays (rarely eight). Pectoral fin with one spine and 7-8 branched rays, pelvic fin with six rays (of which five are branched), anal fin with 6-10 branched rays. Edge of caudal is straight or rounded.] from [In all Parauchenoglanis the small eyes are not covered by a transparent skin (having a free border). The first dorsal spine is small, the second large and strong followed by seven branched fin rays (rarely eight). Pectoral fin with one spine and 7-8 branched rays, pelvic fin with six rays (of which five are branched), anal fin with 6-10 branched rays. Edge of caudal is straight or rounded.].

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