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Scientific Name Brochis multiradiata  (Orcés V., 1960)
Common Names Hognose Brochis
Brochis-Panzerwels (Germany), Long-finned Brochis, Spidsnæset Kæmpepansermalle (Denmark)
Type Locality Tributary of Río Lagartococha near town of Garza-Cocha, upper Río Napo system, Province Napo, Ecuador.
Synonym(s) Brochis multiradiatus, Chaenothorax multiradiatus
Pronunciation bro kiss - MULL tee rad ee ATT uss
Etymology multi=many, radiatus= rays, in reference to the number of dorasl fin rays.
Hop to next section Species Information
Size 67mm or 2.6" SL. Find near, nearer or same sized spp.
Identification Differs from other species of Brochis by its hog-like snout and from B. splendens by a larger number of dorsal fin rays. The dorsal fin can have 15-18 soft rays; although B. multiradiatus usually has 17.
Sexing Undocumented, although it is presumed mature females are larger and fuller when carrying eggs.
Hop to next section Habitat Information
Distribution South America: western Amazon River basin..
Amazon, Upper Amazon, Napo (click on these areas to find other species found there)

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IUCN Red List Category
Not Evaluated
pH 6.0 - 7.2
Temperature 21.0-24.0°C or 69.8-75.2°F (Show species within this range)
Other Parameters Prefers deeper water of at least 18''.
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Feeding A fish that likes to dig around for food, but will eat all prepared foods that find their way to the substrate. Live bloodworms or tubifex are especially relished - be careful with the tubifex. It can be difficult to feed carefully and if it starts living in the tank water conditions can quickly deteriorate. This can, at least in part, be controlled by offering tubifex in a shallow ceramic bowl. User data.
Furniture Open spaces of substrate and rock or wood refuges slightly elevated to provide the shade these fish like to rest under in rare moments of inactivity. This species will gleefully uproot plants at the first opportunity, use plant pots or other methods of fixing plants in place.
Compatibility An ideal community tank resident, keep in shoals.
Suggested Tankmates Can be kept with most fish. More suitable for keeping with loaches than Corydoras as their larger size helps them compete better for food. Boisterous enough to be kept with more dynamic aquaria. Perfect for an Amazon river biotope.
Breeding Reported by no details survive of the account save it is supposed to spawn in a manner similar to Corydoras.
Breeding Reports There is no breeding report.
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Reference Ciencia y Naturaleza (Quito) v. 3, pp 3, Fig. 1.
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ARN ref:1.1.1582.165
Last Update 2024 Jun 30 13:46 (species record created: 2001 Apr 21 00:00)