
Species Profile Updates

  • Feb 08, 08:17 Glyptothorax hymavatiae (Sisoridae) New Species
  • Feb 06, 04:40 (Callichthyidae)
    Type_locality changed to [Rio Ribeira da Terra Firme, between Canavieiras and Ilheus, southeastern Bahia, Brazil.] from [Rio Ribeira da Terra Firme, between Canavieiras and Ilheus, se. Bahia, Brazil.].

    Genus_etymology changed to [Scleromystax: From the Greek sclero meaning hard and the Latin mystax meaning moustache.] from [Scleromystax: From the Greek sclero meaning hard and the Latin mystax meaning moustache.].

    Literature changed to [Zeitschrift für Fischkunde v. 3 (no. 1), pp 110, Figs. 5-7.] from [Zeitschrift Fischk. v. 3 (no. 1) 110 Figs. 5-7].

    Genus_feeding changed to [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.] from [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.].

    Genus_furniture changed to [Ideally substrate should be sand, but rounded gravel is an imperfect alternative. Avoid keeping over rough edged (chipped) gravel, this will increase this risk of damage the fishes barbels when it tries to dig. Substrate should be bordered with driftwood and aquatic plants leaving an open area for them to search for food and swim. The shade provided by overhanging rock work, arching bogwood, tall or floating plants are all that is required to settle these fishes.] from [Ideally substrate should be sand, but rounded gravel is an imperfect alternative. Avoid keeping over rough edged (chipped) gravel, this will increase this risk of damage the fishes barbels when it tries to dig. Substrate should be bordered with driftwood and aquatic plants leaving an open area for them to search for food and swim. The shade provided by overhanging rock work, arching bogwood, tall or floating plants are all that is required to settle these fishes. ].

    Breeding changed to [Only one success by Scottish fishkeeper Jim Makin has been achieved if not documented.] from [Only one success by a Scottish fishkeeper has been achieved if not documented.].
  • Feb 06, 04:39 (Callichthyidae)
  • Feb 06, 03:00 (Callichthyidae)
    Desc_by changed to [Tencatt, Britto & Pavanelli] from [Tencatt, Britto & Pavanelli].

    Original_desc changed to [n] from [y].

    Genus_feeding changed to [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.] from [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.].
  • Feb 04, 13:18 (Loricariidae)
    Brazil_negative_list changed to [n] from [].

    Iucn_category changed to [NE] from [].

    Genus_etymology changed to [The name Ancistrus is derived from the Greek word agkistron, meaning hook, in reference to the interopercular odontodes that are hooked.] from [The name Ancistrus is derived from the Greek word agkistron, meaning hook, in reference to the interopercular odontodes that are hooked.].

    Genus_identification changed to [Mature males and sometimes females have soft tentacles (bushy fleshy growths) on the snout - this is unique to the genus Ancistrus.] from [Mature males and sometimes females have soft tentacles (bushy fleshy growths) on the snout - this is unique to the genus Ancistrus.].

    General changed to [Not exported from Venezuela / into the trade.] from [].

    Genus_feeding changed to [Ancistrus should be fed mainly on vegetarian foods. Prepared foods include algae wafers and spirulina based sinking food. Vegetables such as courgette/zucchini, and (English) cucumber are an excellent addition to the diet, along with the odd, small amount of more meaty foods.] from [Ancistrus should be fed mainly on vegetarian foods. Prepared foods include algae wafers and spirulina based sinking food. Vegetables such as courgette/zucchini, and (English) cucumber are an excellent addition to the diet, along with the odd, small amount of more meaty foods.].

    Genus_breeding changed to [All Ancistrus species are cave-breeders, where the male looks after the eggs and young fry.] from [All Ancistrus species are cave-breeders, where the male looks after the eggs and young fry.].

    Breeding changed to [Readily breeds in captivity. As with all Ancistrus species, these are cave-breeders, where the male looks after the eggs and young fry. First reported spawn by Shane Linder in 2001.] from [Unreported.].
  • Feb 04, 13:17 Imparfinis mishky (Heptapteridae)
    Desc_by changed to [Almirón, Casciotta, Bechara, Ruíz Díaz, Bruno, d] from [Almirón, Casciotta, Bechara, Ruíz Díaz, Bruno].

    Type_locality changed to [Esteros del Iberá, río Corriente, Capitá Miní, 28°53'15.3"S, 58°22'02.7"W, Río Paraná basin, Argentina.] from [Esteros del Iberá, río Corriente, Capitá Miní, 28°53'15.3"S, 58°22'02.7"W, Río Paraná basin, Argentina.].
  • Feb 03, 12:29 Glyptothorax rupiri (Sisoridae)
    Desc_by changed to [Kosygin, Singh & Rath] from [Kosygin, Singh & Rath].

    Type_locality changed to [Jambung stream, a tributary of Siang River near Hawa Camp, Brahmaputra River basin, Upper Siang District, Arunachal Pradesh, India, 28°41'9.2"N, 94°58'8.82"E.] from [Jambung stream, a tributary of Siang River near Hawa Camp, Brahmaputra River basin, Upper Siang District, Arunachal Pradesh, India, 28°41'9.2"N, 94°58'8.82"E.].

    Type_loc_lat changed to [0] from [28.685888888889].

    Type_loc_long changed to [0] from [94.969116666667].

    Type_loc_comp_lat changed to [28.685888888889] from [0].

    Type_loc_comp_long changed to [94.969116666667] from [0].

    Pronunciation changed to [roo peer eye.] from [].

    Etymology changed to [The species is named after Rupir Boli of the Forest Department, Government of Arunachal Pradesh, India, for his help in collecting the type series.] from [].

    Genus_identification changed to [Sisorid catfishes of the genus Glyptothorax Blyth are benthic inhabitants of torrential waters of rivers and streams in montane and submontane parts of tropical Asia. The members of the genus are adapted to attach themselves to rocks and boulders against strong currents by means of a thoracic adhesive apparatus comprising grooves and folded pleats of skin parallel or oblique to the longitudinal axis of the body. The genus has a wide distribution, ranging from Turkey and Syria in the west, to India and China in the east, and extending further southeastward to Indonesia. With 84 nominal species, Glyptothorax are the most speciose genus of catfishes in Asia (Eschmeyer et al., 1998, Ng, 2005); 67 species were treated as valid by Thomson & Page (2006).] from [Sisorid catfishes of the genus Glyptothorax Blyth are benthic inhabitants of torrential waters of rivers and streams in montane and submontane parts of tropical Asia. The members of the genus are adapted to attach themselves to rocks and boulders against strong currents by means of a thoracic adhesive apparatus comprising grooves and folded pleats of skin parallel or oblique to the longitudinal axis of the body. The genus has a wide distribution, ranging from Turkey and Syria in the west, to India and China in the east, and extending further southeastward to Indonesia. With 84 nominal species, Glyptothorax are the most speciose genus of catfishes in Asia (Eschmeyer et al., 1998, Ng, 2005); 67 species were treated as valid by Thomson & Page (2006).].

    Distribution changed to [This species is currently known from the Brahmaputra River basin in India.] from [].
  • Feb 03, 12:29 (Loricariidae)
    Type_locality changed to [Cajamarca, Rio Chota [Chotano], northern Peru, elevation 1465-1585 meters.] from [Cajamarca, Rio Chota [Chotano], Peru, elevation 1465-1585 meters.].

    Genus_identification changed to [The genus Chaetostoma is not straightforward to identify, but as a general rule, the species has spines behind the gill-cover (interopercular odontodes), no plates on the abdomen, and aside from C. platyrhynchus also lack plates on the snout edge. Different from Ancistrus by not having fleshy tentacles on the snout.] from [The genus Chaetostoma is not straightforward to identify, but as a general rule, the species has spines behind the gill-cover (interopercular odontodes), no plates on the abdomen, and aside from C. platyrhynchus also lack plates on the snout edge. Different from Ancistrus by not having fleshy tentacles on the snout.].

    Genus_breeding changed to [Spawns in shallow, fast flowing water on the underneath of a flat object. Male, upside down, guards an adhesive clutch of eggs by covering it with his body.] from [Spawns in shallow, fast flowing water on the underneath of a flat object. Male, upside down, guards an adhesive clutch of eggs by, more or less, covering it with his body.].
  • Feb 03, 12:28 (Callichthyidae)
    Desc_by changed to [Calviño & Alonso] from [Calviño & Alonso].

    Original_desc changed to [n] from [y].

    Type_locality changed to [Small stream, 200 meters from its ending into the San Lorenzo River, 24°47'08"S, 65°28'10"W, Finca Las Costas, around Salta city, Argentina, elevation 1222 meters.] from [Small stream, 200 meters from its ending into the San Lorenzo River, 24°47'08"S, 65°28'10"W, Finca Las Costas, around Salta city, Argentina, elevation 1222 meters.].

    General changed to [Both Corydoras petracinii and C. gladysae have strong affinities to Aspidoras, but because of other inconsistencies, they are placed within the genus Corydoras.] from [Both Corydoras petracinii and C. gladysae have strong affinities to Aspidoras, but because of other inconsistencies, they are placed within the genus Corydoras.].

    Genus_feeding changed to [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.] from [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.].
  • Feb 03, 12:28 (Horabagridae)
    Desc_by changed to [Kumar, Ravi, Krishnaprasoon & Basheer] from [].

    Year changed to [2024] from [0].

    Original_desc changed to [y] from [-].

    Type_locality changed to [Chalakkudy River near Vettilappara, Kerala, India.] from [].

    Etymology changed to [The specific epithet obscurus (Latin) to describe both the dark, cloudy colour pattern of this species and also the confusion between H. obscurus and the similar-looking, sympatric H. nigricollaris.] from [The specific epithet obscurus (Latin) to describe both the dark, cloudy colour pattern of this species and also the confusion between H. obscurus and the similar-looking, sympatric H. nigricollaris.].

    Literature changed to [Indian Journal of Fisheries v. 71 (no. 4), pp 21, Figs. 1-3, 5a.] from [Indian J. Fish., 71 (4): 20-26, 2024.].

    Feeding changed to [Regurgitated stomach contents of captured individuals sometime contain bivalve shells. Local fishermen use fruit of the palm oil as bait to attract and capture this species and sympatric Horabagrus nigricollaris.] from [Regurgitated stomach contents of captured individuals sometime contain bivalve shells. Local fishermen use fruit of the palm oil as bait to attract and capture this species and sympatric Horabagrus nigricollaris.].
  • Feb 03, 12:28 (Callichthyidae)
    Desc_by changed to [Calviño & Alonso] from [Calviño & Alonso].

    Original_desc changed to [n] from [y].

    Type_locality changed to [Calchaquí River, 25°02'59"S, 66°06'25" W, Payogasta, Cachi Department, Salta Province, Argentina, elevation 2430 meters.] from [Calchaquí River, 25°02'59"S, 66°06'25" W, Payogasta, Cachi Department, Salta Province, Argentina, elevation 2430 meters.].

    Etymology changed to [This species is dedicated to its first collector Gladys Ana María Monasterio de Gonzo, Argentine ichthyologist of the Universidad Nacional de Salta (UNSa), who for more than 20 years has been contributing to the knowledge of the diversity, distribution and biology of fishes in the Salta province, Argentina.] from [This species is dedicated to its first collector Gladys Ana María Monasterio de Gonzo, Argentine ichthyologist of the Universidad Nacional de Salta (UNSa), who for more than 20 years has been contributing to the knowledge of the diversity, distribution and biology of fishes in the Salta province, Argentina.].

    Literature_url changed to [] from [].

    General changed to [Both Corydoras gladysae and C. petracinii have strong affinities to Aspidoras, but because of other inconsistencies, they are placed within the genus Corydoras.] from [Both Corydoras gladysae and C. petracinii have strong affinities to Aspidoras, but because of other inconsistencies, they are placed within the genus Corydoras.].

    Genus_feeding changed to [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.] from [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.].
  • Feb 03, 12:27 (Loricariidae)
    Desc_by changed to [Lopes, Sousa & Chamon] from [].

    Year changed to [2024] from [0].

    Original_desc changed to [y] from [-].

    Type_locality changed to [Vitória do Xingu, Xingu River, Pará, Brazil, 02°49'13.6"S, 52°00'42.7"W.] from [].

    Type_loc_lat changed to [-2.8204444444444] from [0].

    Type_loc_long changed to [-52.011861111111] from [0].

    Genus_etymology changed to [Pseud- Greek: False, Acanthicus - Greek: Spiny, Thorny. Literally "False Acanthicus" referring to this genus being similar to, yet different from, Acanthicus.] from [Pseud- Greek: False, Acanthicus - Greek: Spiny, Thorny. Literally "False Acanthicus" referring to this genus being similar to, yet different from, Acanthicus.].

    Literature changed to [Neotropical Ichthyology v. 22 (no. 3): e240033, pp 3, Figs. 1-7.] from [].

    Genus_tankmates changed to [The temptation with large tough Loricariids is to keep them with other large tough fish such as Oscars or other brutish characters. This actually works quite well with most omnivorous or mainly vegetarian plecos. Pseudacanthicus despite their defensive protection can be bullied by faster moving fish of similar size. They are carnivores and only eat vegetables when their preferred food is unavailable. The amount of waste produced depends on their diet but is considerably less than a Panaque or Pterygoplichthys of similar size.] from [The temptation with large tough Loricariids is to keep them with other large tough fish such as Oscars or other brutish characters. This actually works quite well with most omnivorous or mainly vegetarian plecos. Pseudacanthicus despite their defensive protection can be bullied by faster moving fish of similar size. They are carnivores and only eat vegetables when their preferred food is unavailable. The amount of waste produced depends on their diet but is considerably less than a Panaque or Pterygoplichthys of similar size.].
  • Feb 02, 20:05 (Mochokidae)
    Breeding changed to [Breeding has been reported. Spawning occurs in plants, or possibly spawning mops.] from [Unreported.].
  • Feb 02, 10:55 (Pimelodidae)
    Desc_by changed to [Humboldt] from [Humboldt in Humboldt & Valenciennes].

    Literature changed to [Voyage de Humboldt et Bonpland v. 2 (Title page 1833), pp 170, Pl. 46 (fig. 1).] from [Humboldt & Bonpland's voyage v. 2 (Title page 1833) - pp170 - Pl. 46 (fig. 1)].
  • Feb 02, 10:39 (Sisoridae)
    Desc_by changed to [Shangningam, Kosygin & Gurumayum] from [Shangningam, Kosygin & Gurumayum].

    Type_locality changed to [Maruiti stream, Zeilad Wildlife Sanctuary near Tongtao village, Barak-Surma-Meghna River drainage, Tamenglong District, Manipur, India, 24°54ʹ20.9"N, 93°22ʹ41.16"E.] from [Maruiti stream, Zeilad Wildlife Sanctuary near Tongtao village, Barak-Surma-Meghna River drainage, Tamenglong District, Manipur, India, 24°54ʹ20.9"N, 93°22ʹ41.16"E.].

    Type_loc_lat changed to [0] from [24].

    Type_loc_long changed to [0] from [93].

    Type_loc_comp_lat changed to [24] from [0].

    Type_loc_comp_long changed to [93] from [0].

    Pronunciation changed to [zey lad ensis.] from [].

    Etymology changed to [The species is named after its type locality, the Zeilad Wildlife Sanctuary.] from [].

    Genus_identification changed to [Sisorid catfishes of the genus Glyptothorax Blyth are benthic inhabitants of torrential waters of rivers and streams in montane and submontane parts of tropical Asia. The members of the genus are adapted to attach themselves to rocks and boulders against strong currents by means of a thoracic adhesive apparatus comprising grooves and folded pleats of skin parallel or oblique to the longitudinal axis of the body. The genus has a wide distribution, ranging from Turkey and Syria in the west, to India and China in the east, and extending further southeastward to Indonesia. With 84 nominal species, Glyptothorax are the most speciose genus of catfishes in Asia (Eschmeyer et al., 1998, Ng, 2005); 67 species were treated as valid by Thomson & Page (2006).] from [Sisorid catfishes of the genus Glyptothorax Blyth are benthic inhabitants of torrential waters of rivers and streams in montane and submontane parts of tropical Asia. The members of the genus are adapted to attach themselves to rocks and boulders against strong currents by means of a thoracic adhesive apparatus comprising grooves and folded pleats of skin parallel or oblique to the longitudinal axis of the body. The genus has a wide distribution, ranging from Turkey and Syria in the west, to India and China in the east, and extending further southeastward to Indonesia. With 84 nominal species, Glyptothorax are the most speciose genus of catfishes in Asia (Eschmeyer et al., 1998, Ng, 2005); 67 species were treated as valid by Thomson & Page (2006).].
  • Feb 02, 10:39 Glyptothorax chakpiensis (Sisoridae)
    Desc_by changed to [Shangningam and Kosygin] from [].

    Year changed to [2024] from [0].

    Original_desc changed to [y] from [].

    Type_locality changed to [India: Manipur: Chandel district: Chakpi River, headwaters of Chindwin drainage.] from [].

    Type_loc_notes changed to [The habitat is characterized by cool, swiftly flowing water with a rocky bottom and numerous riffles.] from [].

    Pronunciation changed to [chak pee ensis.] from [].

    Etymology changed to [The species is named after the Chakpi River, the type locality.] from [].

    Literature changed to [Rec. zool. Surv. India: Vol. 124(3)/229-237, 2024.] from [].

    Genus_identification changed to [Sisorid catfishes of the genus Glyptothorax Blyth are benthic inhabitants of torrential waters of rivers and streams in montane and submontane parts of tropical Asia. The members of the genus are adapted to attach themselves to rocks and boulders against strong currents by means of a thoracic adhesive apparatus comprising grooves and folded pleats of skin parallel or oblique to the longitudinal axis of the body. The genus has a wide distribution, ranging from Turkey and Syria in the west, to India and China in the east, and extending further southeastward to Indonesia. With 84 nominal species, Glyptothorax are the most speciose genus of catfishes in Asia (Eschmeyer et al., 1998, Ng, 2005); 67 species were treated as valid by Thomson & Page (2006).] from [Sisorid catfishes of the genus Glyptothorax Blyth are benthic inhabitants of torrential waters of rivers and streams in montane and submontane parts of tropical Asia. The members of the genus are adapted to attach themselves to rocks and boulders against strong currents by means of a thoracic adhesive apparatus comprising grooves and folded pleats of skin parallel or oblique to the longitudinal axis of the body. The genus has a wide distribution, ranging from Turkey and Syria in the west, to India and China in the east, and extending further southeastward to Indonesia. With 84 nominal species, Glyptothorax are the most speciose genus of catfishes in Asia (Eschmeyer et al., 1998, Ng, 2005); 67 species were treated as valid by Thomson & Page (2006).].
  • Feb 02, 10:38 Parotocinclus seridoensis (Loricariidae)
    Desc_by changed to [Ramos, Barros-Neto, Britski & Lima] from [Ramos, Barros-Neto, Britski & Lima].

    Type_loc_lat changed to [-6.4578889] from [6.45].

    Type_loc_long changed to [-37.0863056] from [37.083333333333].

    Type_loc_comp_lat changed to [6.45] from [0].

    Type_loc_comp_long changed to [37.083333333333] from [0].

    Genus_etymology changed to [Parotocinclus: Greek, para in the side of + greek, ous, otis = ear + Greek, kygklos, ou = a fish.] from [Parotocinclus: Greek, para in the side of + greek, ous, otis = ear + Greek, kygklos, ou = a fish.].

    Genus_identification changed to [The genus Parotocinclus can readily be distinguished from Otocinclus by the presence of an adipose fin in the former.] from [The genus Parotocinclus can readily be distinguished from Otocinclus by the presence of an adipose fin in the former.].
  • Jan 29, 12:26 (Callichthyidae)
    Desc_by changed to [Weitzman & Nijssen] from [Weitzman & Nijssen].

    Genus_etymology changed to [Cory = helmet, doras = skin. In this case it was incorrectly used to mean armour (cuirasse) instead of skin in allusion to the dual rows of plates that run along the flanks of this genus.] from [Cory = helmet, doras = skin. In this case it was incorrectly used to mean armour (cuirasse) instead of skin in allusion to the dual rows of plates that run along the flanks of this genus.].

    Genus_identification changed to [Corydoras are identified by their twin rows of armour plates along the flanks and by having fewer than 10 dorsal fin rays. They are most commonly confused with the other genera in the sub-family, namely Brochis, Scleromystax and Aspidoras.] from [Corydoras are identified by their twin rows of armour plates along the flanks and by having fewer than 10 dorsal fin rays. They are most commonly confused with the other genera in the sub-family, namely Brochis, Scleromystax and Aspidoras.].

    Genus_feeding changed to [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.] from [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.].
  • Jan 29, 12:26 (Bagridae)
    Desc_by changed to [Chen, Liu & Yeh] from [].

    Year changed to [2024] from [0].

    Original_desc changed to [y] from [-].

    Type_locality changed to [Wu River basin, Koshin Village, Nantou County, Taiwan.] from [].

    Literature changed to [Zootaxa 5550 (no. 1), pp 315, Figs. 1-2.] from [].

    Genus_identification changed to [Tachysurus can be identified by an extrascapular without a laterosensory canal, and a pterotic with a broad lateral laminar expansion. It is among the most speciose catfish groups in East Asia and its members inhabit habitats ranging from fast-flowing hillstreams to large rivers.] from [Tachysurus can be identified by an extrascapular without a laterosensory canal, and a pterotic with a broad lateral laminar expansion. It is among the most speciose catfish groups in East Asia and its members inhabit habitats ranging from fast-flowing hillstreams to large rivers.].
  • Jan 29, 12:26 (Trichomycteridae)
    Desc_by changed to [Costa, Katz & Vilardo] from [Costa, Katz & Vilardo].

    Type_locality changed to [Small stream tributary to Rio Boa Sorte, Rio Guandu drainage, Rio Doce basin, Afonso Claudio Municipality, Serra do Castelo, Espirito Santo [not Minas Gerais State as stated in orig. descr.], Brazil, 20°11'40"S, 41°03'42"W, elevation about 630 meters.] from [Small stream tributary to Rio Boa Sorte, Rio Guandu drainage, Rio Doce basin, Afonso Claudio Municipality, Serra do Castelo, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, 20°11'40"S, 41°03'42"W, elevation about 630 meters.].
  • Jan 29, 12:25 Trichomycterus puna (Trichomycteridae)
    Desc_by changed to [Fernández, Contrera & Bize] from [Fernández, Contrera & Bize].

    Type_locality changed to [El Angosto creek, 3 km southwest from Corral Blanco Village, Departamento Belén, Catamarca Province, Argentina, 26°29'56.40"S, 66°56'10.48"W, elevation 3,290 meters.] from [Corral Blanco, Catamarca Province, Argentina.].

    Type_loc_lat changed to [-26.499] from [0].

    Type_loc_long changed to [-66.936244444444] from [0].

    Literature changed to [Ichthyology & Herpetology v. 111 (no. 3), pp 457, Figs. 1, 2A, 3, 4A.] from [Ichthyology & Herpetology v. 111 (no. 3), pp Figs.].
  • Jan 29, 12:25 (Trichomycteridae)
    Desc_by changed to [Costa, Barbosa & Katz] from [].

    Year changed to [2024] from [0].

    Original_desc changed to [y] from [].

    Type_locality changed to [Rio Alto Pratinha, tributary of Rio Muqui do Sul, Rio Itabapoana basin, Mimoso do Sul Municipality, Espírito Santo State, Brazil, 21°03'51"S, 41°18'13"W, elevation circa 205 meters.] from [].

    Type_loc_lat changed to [-21.064166666667] from [0].

    Type_loc_long changed to [-41.303611111111] from [0].

    Literature changed to [European Journal of Taxonomy v. 970, pp 125, Figs. 1, 2A-C.] from [].
  • Jan 29, 12:24 (Trichomycteridae)
    Desc_by changed to [Ardila Rodríguez] from [].

    Year changed to [2024] from [0].

    Original_desc changed to [y] from [].

    Type_locality changed to [Río Sevilla, Sierra nevada de Santa Marta, Departamento del Magdalena, Colombia.] from [].

    Literature changed to [Barranquilla, Departamento del Atlántico No. 100, pp 7, Figs. 1-3, 5-9.] from [].
  • Jan 29, 12:24 Rhamdia enfurnada (Heptapteridae)
    Desc_by changed to [Bichuette & Trajano] from [].

    Year changed to [2005] from [0].

    Original_desc changed to [y] from [-].

    Type_locality changed to [Gruta do Enfurnado, 13°38'44"S, 44°12'05.9"W, Povoado de Descoberto, Município de Coribe, Serra do Ramalho, southwestern Bahia State, Brazil, elevation 628 meters.] from [].

    Type_loc_lat changed to [-13.645555555556] from [0].

    Type_loc_long changed to [-44.201638888889] from [0].

    Genus_etymology changed to [The name Rhamdia is apparently a misspelling of 'nhamdiâ', an orthographic variant of the Tupi-Guarani name for the fish, 'jandiá'.] from [The name Rhamdia is apparently a misspelling of 'nhamdiâ', an orthographic variant of the Tupi-Guarani name for the fish, 'jandiá'.].

    Literature changed to [Neotropical Ichthyology v. 3 (no. 4), pp 589, Fig. 1, 3-6.] from [].

    Breeding changed to [] from [Unreported.].
  • Jan 29, 12:24 Parauchenoglanis patersoni (Auchenoglanididae)
    Desc_by changed to [Sithole, Vreven, Bragança, Musschoot & Chakona] from [Sithole, Vreven, Bragança, Musschoot & Chakona].

    Type_locality changed to [Posto 5, Kwanza basin, Angola, 9°48ʹ23"S, 15°24ʹ30"E.] from [Posto 5, Kwanza basin, Angola, 9°48ʹ23"S, 15°24ʹ30"E.].

    Type_loc_lat changed to [-9.806389] from [9].

    Type_loc_long changed to [15.408333] from [15].

    Type_loc_comp_lat changed to [9] from [0].

    Type_loc_comp_long changed to [15] from [0].

    Genus_etymology changed to [Parauchenoglanis: The Greek prefix para means near; in reference to the resemblance to Auchenoglanis.] from [Parauchenoglanis: The Greek prefix para means near; in reference to the resemblance to Auchenoglanis.].

    Genus_identification changed to [In all Parauchenoglanis the small eyes are not covered by a transparent skin (having a free border). The first dorsal spine is small, the second large and strong followed by seven branched fin rays (rarely eight). Pectoral fin with one spine and 7-8 branched rays, pelvic fin with six rays (of which five are branched), anal fin with 6-10 branched rays. Edge of caudal is straight or rounded.] from [In all Parauchenoglanis the small eyes are not covered by a transparent skin (having a free border). The first dorsal spine is small, the second large and strong followed by seven branched fin rays (rarely eight). Pectoral fin with one spine and 7-8 branched rays, pelvic fin with six rays (of which five are branched), anal fin with 6-10 branched rays. Edge of caudal is straight or rounded.].
  • Jan 29, 12:16 Parauchenoglanis poikilos (Auchenoglanididae)
    Desc_by changed to [Sithole, Vreven, Bragança, Musschoot & Chakona] from [Sithole, Vreven, Bragança, Musschoot & Chakona].

    Type_locality changed to [Lovua, opposite Capeia Village on bamboo track, Kasai subbasin, Angola, 8°20ʹ16.3"S, 20°14ʹ29.0"E.] from [Lovua, opposite Capeia Village on bamboo track, Kasai subbasin, Angola, 8°20ʹ16.3"S, 20°14ʹ29.0"E.].

    Type_loc_lat changed to [-8.337861] from [8].

    Type_loc_long changed to [20.241389] from [20].

    Type_loc_comp_lat changed to [8] from [0].

    Type_loc_comp_long changed to [20] from [0].

    Genus_etymology changed to [Parauchenoglanis: The Greek prefix para means near; in reference to the resemblance to Auchenoglanis.] from [Parauchenoglanis: The Greek prefix para means near; in reference to the resemblance to Auchenoglanis.].

    Genus_identification changed to [In all Parauchenoglanis the small eyes are not covered by a transparent skin (having a free border). The first dorsal spine is small, the second large and strong followed by seven branched fin rays (rarely eight). Pectoral fin with one spine and 7-8 branched rays, pelvic fin with six rays (of which five are branched), anal fin with 6-10 branched rays. Edge of caudal is straight or rounded.] from [In all Parauchenoglanis the small eyes are not covered by a transparent skin (having a free border). The first dorsal spine is small, the second large and strong followed by seven branched fin rays (rarely eight). Pectoral fin with one spine and 7-8 branched rays, pelvic fin with six rays (of which five are branched), anal fin with 6-10 branched rays. Edge of caudal is straight or rounded.].
  • Jan 29, 12:16 Parauchenoglanis megalasma (Auchenoglanididae)
    Desc_by changed to [Sithole, Vreven, Bragança, Musschoot & Chakona] from [Sithole, Vreven, Bragança, Musschoot & Chakona].

    Type_locality changed to [Main river above confluence with tributary 1, Luele, Kasai subbasin, Angola, 7°45ʹ20.1"S, 19°57ʹ19.4"E.] from [Main river above confluence with tributary 1, Luele, Kasai subbasin, Angola, 7°45ʹ20.1"S, 19°57ʹ19.4"E.].

    Type_loc_lat changed to [-7.755583] from [7].

    Type_loc_long changed to [19.955389] from [19].

    Type_loc_comp_lat changed to [7] from [0].

    Type_loc_comp_long changed to [19] from [0].

    Genus_etymology changed to [Parauchenoglanis: The Greek prefix para means near; in reference to the resemblance to Auchenoglanis.] from [Parauchenoglanis: The Greek prefix para means near; in reference to the resemblance to Auchenoglanis.].

    Genus_identification changed to [In all Parauchenoglanis the small eyes are not covered by a transparent skin (having a free border). The first dorsal spine is small, the second large and strong followed by seven branched fin rays (rarely eight). Pectoral fin with one spine and 7-8 branched rays, pelvic fin with six rays (of which five are branched), anal fin with 6-10 branched rays. Edge of caudal is straight or rounded.] from [In all Parauchenoglanis the small eyes are not covered by a transparent skin (having a free border). The first dorsal spine is small, the second large and strong followed by seven branched fin rays (rarely eight). Pectoral fin with one spine and 7-8 branched rays, pelvic fin with six rays (of which five are branched), anal fin with 6-10 branched rays. Edge of caudal is straight or rounded.].
  • Jan 29, 12:15 Parauchenoglanis lueleensis (Auchenoglanididae)
    Desc_by changed to [Sithole, Vreven, Bragança, Musschoot & Chakona] from [Sithole, Vreven, Bragança, Musschoot & Chakona].

    Type_locality changed to [Luxico, above drift in tributary 2, Kasai subbasin, Angola, 7°45ʹ05.7"S, 19°57ʹ18.8"E.] from [Luxico, above drift in tributary 2, Kasai subbasin, Angola, 7°45ʹ05.7"S, 19°57ʹ18.8"E.].

    Type_loc_lat changed to [-7.751583] from [7].

    Type_loc_long changed to [19.955222] from [19].

    Type_loc_comp_lat changed to [7] from [0].

    Type_loc_comp_long changed to [19] from [0].

    Genus_etymology changed to [Parauchenoglanis: The Greek prefix para means near; in reference to the resemblance to Auchenoglanis.] from [Parauchenoglanis: The Greek prefix para means near; in reference to the resemblance to Auchenoglanis.].

    Genus_identification changed to [In all Parauchenoglanis the small eyes are not covered by a transparent skin (having a free border). The first dorsal spine is small, the second large and strong followed by seven branched fin rays (rarely eight). Pectoral fin with one spine and 7-8 branched rays, pelvic fin with six rays (of which five are branched), anal fin with 6-10 branched rays. Edge of caudal is straight or rounded.] from [In all Parauchenoglanis the small eyes are not covered by a transparent skin (having a free border). The first dorsal spine is small, the second large and strong followed by seven branched fin rays (rarely eight). Pectoral fin with one spine and 7-8 branched rays, pelvic fin with six rays (of which five are branched), anal fin with 6-10 branched rays. Edge of caudal is straight or rounded.].
  • Jan 29, 12:15 Parotocinclus jequi (Loricariidae)
    Desc_by changed to [Lehmann A., Koech Braun, Pereira & Reis] from [Arunkumar & Moyon].

    Year changed to [2013] from [2017].

    Type_locality changed to [Minas Gerais, Serro, headwater creek of the Rio Jequitinhonha at Cachoeira do Moinho de Esteira, on road BR-259 from Serro to Pedro Lessa, 18°34'21"S, 43°29'35"W, Brazil.] from [Chavom River at Moyon Khullen, Chandel district, Manipur, India, 24°15'N, 94°15'E.].

    Type_loc_comp_lat changed to [-18.5725] from [0].

    Type_loc_comp_long changed to [-43.493055555556] from [0].

    Brazil_negative_list changed to [n] from [].

    Genus_etymology changed to [Parotocinclus: Greek, para in the side of + greek, ous, otis = ear + Greek, kygklos, ou = a fish.] from [Parotocinclus: Greek, para in the side of + greek, ous, otis = ear + Greek, kygklos, ou = a fish.].

    Etymology changed to [jequi, a noun in apposition. From the native Tupi language ye’kei, a type of fish trap, and part of the name of Rio Jequitinhonha, which means field of the river traps: jequi (fish trap), ty (water, river), and nhum (field).] from [].

    Literature changed to [Copeia 2013, No. 3, 435–440.] from [International Journal of Zoology Studies v. 2 (no. 5), pp 246, Figs. 4, 5A-B.].

    Literature_url changed to [] from [].

    Sl changed to [54] from [0].

    Genus_identification changed to [The genus Parotocinclus can readily be distinguished from Otocinclus by the presence of an adipose fin in the former.] from [The genus Parotocinclus can readily be distinguished from Otocinclus by the presence of an adipose fin in the former.].

    Sexing changed to [Compared to mature females, mature males possess (1) more conical urogenital papilla, located behind the anal opening; (2) a fleshy flap along the dorsal margin of the first thickened pelvic-fin ray; and (3) thickened skin along the snout margin which can reduce the visibility of odontodes there (vs snout margin odontodes fully visible in females).] from [].

    Water changed to [This species is collected in shallow clear water with a substrate of rocks and pebbles, and marginal vegetation of grasses and trees.] from [].

    Furniture changed to [***blank***.] from [Habitat is is about 250 m above sea level. River banks fully covered with riparian vegetation, mostly with bamboo, shrubs and trees. River bed consists of cobbles, gravels, boulders, pebbles and large rocks and stones.].
  • Jan 27, 15:51 Pterocryptis vorax (Siluridae) New Species
  • Jan 27, 08:53 Parauchenoglanis ernstswartzi (Auchenoglanididae)
    Desc_by changed to [Sithole, Vreven, Bragança, Musschoot & Chakona] from [Sithole, Vreven, Bragança, Musschoot & Chakona].

    Type_locality changed to [Luxico, eastern shore of Lake Carumbo, Kasai subbasin, Angola, 7°47ʹ54.6"S, 19°56ʹ46.8"E.] from [Luxico, eastern shore of Lake Carumbo, Kasai subbasin, Angola, 7°47ʹ54.6"S, 19°56ʹ46.8"E.].

    Type_loc_lat changed to [-7.7985] from [7].

    Type_loc_long changed to [19.9463] from [19].

    Type_loc_comp_lat changed to [7] from [0].

    Type_loc_comp_long changed to [19] from [0].

    Genus_etymology changed to [Parauchenoglanis: The Greek prefix para means near; in reference to the resemblance to Auchenoglanis.] from [Parauchenoglanis: The Greek prefix para means near; in reference to the resemblance to Auchenoglanis.].

    Genus_identification changed to [In all Parauchenoglanis the small eyes are not covered by a transparent skin (having a free border). The first dorsal spine is small, the second large and strong followed by seven branched fin rays (rarely eight). Pectoral fin with one spine and 7-8 branched rays, pelvic fin with six rays (of which five are branched), anal fin with 6-10 branched rays. Edge of caudal is straight or rounded.] from [In all Parauchenoglanis the small eyes are not covered by a transparent skin (having a free border). The first dorsal spine is small, the second large and strong followed by seven branched fin rays (rarely eight). Pectoral fin with one spine and 7-8 branched rays, pelvic fin with six rays (of which five are branched), anal fin with 6-10 branched rays. Edge of caudal is straight or rounded.].
  • Jan 27, 08:53 Parauchenoglanis dolichorhinus (Auchenoglanididae)
    Desc_by changed to [Sithole, Vreven, Bragança, Musschoot & Chakona] from [Sithole, Vreven, Bragança, Musschoot & Chakona].

    Type_locality changed to [Posto 5, Kwanza basin, Angola, 09°48ʹ23"S, 15°24ʹ30"E.] from [Posto 5, Kwanza basin, Angola, 09°48ʹ23"S, 15°24ʹ30"E.].

    Type_loc_lat changed to [-9.8064] from [9].

    Type_loc_long changed to [15.4083] from [15].

    Type_loc_comp_lat changed to [9] from [0].

    Type_loc_comp_long changed to [15] from [0].

    Genus_etymology changed to [Parauchenoglanis: The Greek prefix para means near; in reference to the resemblance to Auchenoglanis.] from [Parauchenoglanis: The Greek prefix para means near; in reference to the resemblance to Auchenoglanis.].

    Genus_identification changed to [In all Parauchenoglanis the small eyes are not covered by a transparent skin (having a free border). The first dorsal spine is small, the second large and strong followed by seven branched fin rays (rarely eight). Pectoral fin with one spine and 7-8 branched rays, pelvic fin with six rays (of which five are branched), anal fin with 6-10 branched rays. Edge of caudal is straight or rounded.] from [In all Parauchenoglanis the small eyes are not covered by a transparent skin (having a free border). The first dorsal spine is small, the second large and strong followed by seven branched fin rays (rarely eight). Pectoral fin with one spine and 7-8 branched rays, pelvic fin with six rays (of which five are branched), anal fin with 6-10 branched rays. Edge of caudal is straight or rounded.].
  • Jan 27, 08:52 (Sisoridae)
    Desc_by changed to [Radhakrishnan, Sureshkumar & Ng] from [Radhakrishnan, Sureshkumar & Ng].

    Genus_identification changed to [Members of the genus Pseudolaguvia are small erethistid catfishes inhabiting hill streams and large rivers in the area bordered by the Ganges River drainage (northern India) to the west and the Sittang River drainage (east-central Myanmar) to the east. They can be distinguished from other sisorids by their small size,a combination of a thoracic adhesive apparatus with a median depression and prominent postcoracoid processes.] from [Members of the genus Pseudolaguvia are small erethistid catfishes inhabiting hill streams and large rivers in the area bordered by the Ganges River drainage (northern India) to the west and the Sittang River drainage (east-central Myanmar) to the east. They can be distinguished from other sisorids by their small size,a combination of a thoracic adhesive apparatus with a median depression and prominent postcoracoid processes.].

    Identification changed to [Pseudolaguvia austrina is diagnosed from congeners in having a color pattern consisting largely of uniform pale brown body ( vs. color pattern of mottled brown body or brown body with a pattern of pale patches or transversebands), a strongly projecting snout in which the premaxillary teeth are almost entirely exposed (vs. barely exposed) when the mouth is closed , and a shorter (8.8-14.7 % SL vs. 13.9-25.6) and deeper caudal peduncle (10.3-14.7 % SL, vs.5.0-9.0). The field of the thoracic adhesive apparatus of P. austrina is also more rhomboidal, which differs from the more elongate, elliptical shape seen in all congeners except P. foveolata.] from [Pseudolaguvia austrina is diagnosed from congeners in having a color pattern consisting largely of uniform pale brown body ( vs. color pattern of mottled brown body or brown body with a pattern of pale patches or transversebands), a strongly projecting snout in which the premaxillary teeth are almost entirely exposed (vs. barely exposed) when the mouth is closed , and a shorter (8.8-14.7 % SL vs. 13.9-25.6) and deeper caudal peduncle (10.3-14.7 % SL, vs.5.0-9.0). The field of the thoracic adhesive apparatus of P. austrina is also more rhomboidal, which differs from the more elongate, elliptical shape seen in all congeners except P. foveolata.].

    General changed to [It is very likely that this species has not been exported for the trade as yet but general care will be very similar to that of other Pseudolaguvia species. This is the first record of this genus in peninsular India.] from [It is very likely that this species has not been exported for the trade as yet but general care will be very similar to that of other Pseudolaguvia species. This is the first record of this genus in peninsular India.].

    Water changed to [The water should be cool and heavily oxygenated with a good flow as these fish occur in hill streams. Anything above 25 C will hamper long term survival as these fish tend to burn away at higher temperatures. Pseudolaguvia austrina was collected from the small crevices of a sand barrier built across the river with a moderate water depth (ca.15 cm) and current velocity (0.25-0.40 m · s–1). The habitat was riffle-pool type. The water was well oxygenated with dissolved oxygen 7-8 ppm and a pH of 7.5-8.0. Some of the specimens were also collected from the adjoining clayey area with clumps of leaf litter. Samplings were carried out during the hot and dry fortnight periods in premonsoon season, during March, when water was clear and atmospheric temperature 32-35 °C.] from [The water should be cool and heavily oxygenated with a good flow as these fish occur in hill streams. Anything above 25 C will hamper long term survival as these fish tend to burn away at higher temperatures. Pseudolaguvia austrina was collected from the small crevices of a sand barrier built across the river with a moderate water depth (ca.15 cm) and current velocity (0.25-0.40 m · s–1). The habitat was riffle-pool type. The water was well oxygenated with dissolved oxygen 7-8 ppm and a pH of 7.5-8.0. Some of the specimens were also collected from the adjoining clayey area with clumps of leaf litter. Samplings were carried out during the hot and dry fortnight periods in premonsoon season, during March, when water was clear and atmospheric temperature 32-35 °C.].

    Genus_tankmates changed to [Cyprinids like Barilius and Danio and Balitorine loaches like Homaloptera species.] from [Cyprinids like Barilius and Danio and Balitorine loaches like Homaloptera species.].

    Tankmates changed to [Cyprinids like Barilius and Danios and Balitorine loaches like Homaloptera species. Other species collected along with P.austrina include Glyptothorax madraspatanum (Sisoridae), Lepidocephalichthys thermalis (Cobitidae) and Glossogobius giuris (Gobiidae).] from [Cyprinids like Barilius and Danios and Balitorine loaches like Homaloptera species. Other species collected along with P.austrina include Glyptothorax madraspatanum (Sisoridae), Lepidocephalichthys thermalis (Cobitidae) and Glossogobius giuris (Gobiidae).].
  • Jan 27, 08:15 Glyptothorax motbungensis (Sisoridae)
    Desc_by changed to [Premananda & Singh] from [].

    Year changed to [2023] from [0].

    Original_desc changed to [y] from [].

    Type_locality changed to [India: Manipur: Senapati district: Imphal River at Motbung (Chindwin River basin), 25°00ʹ10.74ʺN 93°54ʹ45.43ʺE.] from [].

    Type_loc_lat changed to [25.002983] from [0].

    Type_loc_long changed to [93.912619] from [0].

    Etymology changed to [The species is named after its type locality Motbung.] from [].

    Literature changed to [2023. Fishes of Northern Manipur. Blue Duck Publ., Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir, India. First Edition: 237pp.] from [].

    Literature_url changed to [] from [].

    Sl changed to [91] from [0].

    Genus_identification changed to [Sisorid catfishes of the genus Glyptothorax Blyth are benthic inhabitants of torrential waters of rivers and streams in montane and submontane parts of tropical Asia. The members of the genus are adapted to attach themselves to rocks and boulders against strong currents by means of a thoracic adhesive apparatus comprising grooves and folded pleats of skin parallel or oblique to the longitudinal axis of the body. The genus has a wide distribution, ranging from Turkey and Syria in the west, to India and China in the east, and extending further southeastward to Indonesia. With 84 nominal species, Glyptothorax are the most speciose genus of catfishes in Asia (Eschmeyer et al., 1998, Ng, 2005); 67 species were treated as valid by Thomson & Page (2006).] from [Sisorid catfishes of the genus Glyptothorax Blyth are benthic inhabitants of torrential waters of rivers and streams in montane and submontane parts of tropical Asia. The members of the genus are adapted to attach themselves to rocks and boulders against strong currents by means of a thoracic adhesive apparatus comprising grooves and folded pleats of skin parallel or oblique to the longitudinal axis of the body. The genus has a wide distribution, ranging from Turkey and Syria in the west, to India and China in the east, and extending further southeastward to Indonesia. With 84 nominal species, Glyptothorax are the most speciose genus of catfishes in Asia (Eschmeyer et al., 1998, Ng, 2005); 67 species were treated as valid by Thomson & Page (2006).].

    Distribution changed to [South Asia: Imphal River drainage, Chindwin River basin, Manipur, India.] from [].
  • Jan 27, 08:15 Parauchenoglanis chiumbeensis (Auchenoglanididae)
    Desc_by changed to [Sithole, Vreven, Bragança, Musschoot & Chakona] from [Sithole, Vreven, Bragança, Musschoot & Chakona].

    Type_loc_lat changed to [-7.8167] from [7].

    Type_loc_long changed to [21.0833] from [21].

    Type_loc_comp_lat changed to [7] from [0].

    Type_loc_comp_long changed to [21] from [0].

    Genus_etymology changed to [Parauchenoglanis: The Greek prefix para means near; in reference to the resemblance to Auchenoglanis.] from [Parauchenoglanis: The Greek prefix para means near; in reference to the resemblance to Auchenoglanis.].

    Genus_identification changed to [In all Parauchenoglanis the small eyes are not covered by a transparent skin (having a free border). The first dorsal spine is small, the second large and strong followed by seven branched fin rays (rarely eight). Pectoral fin with one spine and 7-8 branched rays, pelvic fin with six rays (of which five are branched), anal fin with 6-10 branched rays. Edge of caudal is straight or rounded.] from [In all Parauchenoglanis the small eyes are not covered by a transparent skin (having a free border). The first dorsal spine is small, the second large and strong followed by seven branched fin rays (rarely eight). Pectoral fin with one spine and 7-8 branched rays, pelvic fin with six rays (of which five are branched), anal fin with 6-10 branched rays. Edge of caudal is straight or rounded.].
  • Jan 27, 08:14 (Trichomycteridae)
    Desc_by changed to [Costa, Barbosa & Katz] from [].

    Year changed to [2024] from [0].

    Original_desc changed to [y] from [].

    Type_locality changed to [Stream tributary to Rio Preto, Rio Itabapoana basin, Serra das Torres, Mimoso do Sul Municipality, Espírito Santo State, Brazil, 21°02'06"S, 41°15'01"W, elevation circa 450 meters.] from [].

    Type_loc_lat changed to [-21.035] from [0].

    Type_loc_long changed to [-41.250277777778] from [0].

    Literature changed to [European Journal of Taxonomy v. 970, pp 129, Figs. 2D-F, 4, 5A.] from [].
  • Jan 23, 16:26 Phenacorhamdia cuspidata (Heptapteridae) New Species
  • Jan 21, 13:53 Parauchenoglanis luendaensis (Auchenoglanididae)
    Desc_by changed to [Sithole, Vreven, Bragança, Musschoot & Chakona] from [Sithole, Vreven, Bragança, Musschoot & Chakona].

    Type_loc_lat changed to [-9.5] from [9].

    Type_loc_long changed to [20.25] from [20].

    Type_loc_comp_lat changed to [9] from [0].

    Type_loc_comp_long changed to [20] from [0].

    Genus_etymology changed to [Parauchenoglanis: The Greek prefix para means near; in reference to the resemblance to Auchenoglanis.] from [Parauchenoglanis: The Greek prefix para means near; in reference to the resemblance to Auchenoglanis.].

    Genus_identification changed to [In all Parauchenoglanis the small eyes are not covered by a transparent skin (having a free border). The first dorsal spine is small, the second large and strong followed by seven branched fin rays (rarely eight). Pectoral fin with one spine and 7-8 branched rays, pelvic fin with six rays (of which five are branched), anal fin with 6-10 branched rays. Edge of caudal is straight or rounded.] from [In all Parauchenoglanis the small eyes are not covered by a transparent skin (having a free border). The first dorsal spine is small, the second large and strong followed by seven branched fin rays (rarely eight). Pectoral fin with one spine and 7-8 branched rays, pelvic fin with six rays (of which five are branched), anal fin with 6-10 branched rays. Edge of caudal is straight or rounded.].
  • Jan 20, 17:04 (Auchenipteridae)
    Brazil_negative_list changed to [n] from [].

    Genus_etymology changed to [Tatia: Named after the ichthyologist C. Tate Regan.] from [Tatia: Named after the ichthyologist C. Tate Regan.].

    Canonical_topic_id changed to [52743] from [].

    Identification changed to [T. intermedia is often confused with T. galaxias. Both species have dark base with light spots, but on T. intermedia spots are off-white and fade with age. In T. galaxias the spots are bright white, and the body is velvety black. The body shape of T. galaxias is also more slender.] from [T. intermedia is often confused with T. galaxias. Both species have dark base with light spots, but on T. intermedia spots are off-white and fade with age. In T. galaxias the spots are bright white, and the body is velvety black. The body shape of T. galaxias is also more slender.].

    Breeding changed to [Has been bred several times by different people. A substantial number of eggs are produced kept together by a kind of jelly. These eggs are not eaten by the adults and hatch within a few days.

    Planet Catfish user Daniel Blom was able to prove that a female deposited fertile eggs without a male specimen around, thus indicating that this species also has internal fertilization, a fact which was (is) doubted by scientists.]
    from [Has been bred several times by different people. Large number of eggs kept together by a kind of jelly. These eggs are not eaten by the adults and hatch within a few days.

    Planet Catfish user Daniel Blom was able to prove that a female deposited fertile eggs without a male specimen around, thus indicating that this species also has internal fertilization, a fact which was (is) doubted by scientists.].
  • Jan 19, 05:16 Rineloricaria giua (Loricariidae)
    Desc_by changed to [Castellanos-Mejía, Londoño-Burbano, Ochoa, García-Alzate & DoNascimiento] from [Castellanos-Mejía, Londoño-Burbano, Ochoa, García-Alzate & DoNascimiento].

    Original_desc changed to [y] from [-].

    Type_locality changed to [Tucuy River, Magdalena River Basin, La Jagua de Ibirico, Cesar, Colombia, 9°35'13"N, 73°18'34.9"W, elevation 122 meters.] from [Colombia, Cesar, La Jagua de Ibirico, Tucuy River, Magdalena River Basin, 9°35'13''N, 73°18'34.9''W, 122m a.s.l.].

    Type_loc_lat changed to [9.5869444444444] from [0].

    Type_loc_long changed to [-73.309694444444] from [0].

    Etymology changed to [The specific epithet guia, a noun in apposition honoring the Grupo de Ictiología of Universidad de Antioquia (acronym GIUA).] from [The specific epithet guia, a noun in apposition honoring the Grupo de Ictiología of Universidad de Antioquia (acronym GIUA).].

    Literature changed to [Ichthyology & Herpetology v. 112 (no. 3), pp 434, Figs. 1B, 4, 5.] from [Ichthyology & Herpetology v. 112 (no. 3), pp 429–443.].

    Identification changed to [Rineloricaria giua is distinguished from all trans-Andean and Central American congeners except R. jubata and R. uracantha by having four or five rows of median abdominal plates (vs. three or more than six). R. giua is also distinguished from all trans-Andean and Central American congeners except R. magdalenae by having lateral margins of the snout straight (vs. convex).] from [Rineloricaria giua is distinguished from all trans-Andean and Central American congeners except R. jubata and R. uracantha by having four or five rows of median abdominal plates (vs. three or more than six). R. giua is also distinguished from all trans-Andean and Central American congeners except R. magdalenae by having lateral margins of the snout straight (vs. convex).].

    Genus_breeding changed to [In captivity, most Rineloricaria will spawn in open ended tubes.] from [In captivity, most Rineloricaria will spawn in open ended tubes.].
  • Jan 19, 05:16 (Loricariidae)
    Desc_by changed to [Meza-Vargas, Ramirez & Lujan] from [].

    Year changed to [2024] from [0].

    Original_desc changed to [y] from [-].

    Type_locality changed to [Unnamed left-bank tributary of Aguaytia River, Ucayali River, Amazon basin, Shambillo, Boqueron District, Padre Abad Province, Ucayali Department, Peru, 09°0'29.88"S, 75°37'1.92"W, elevation 365 meters.] from [].

    Type_loc_lat changed to [-9.0083] from [0].

    Type_loc_long changed to [-75.6172] from [0].

    Literature changed to [Zoosystematics and Evolution v. 100 (no. 4), pp 1392, Fig. 2.] from [].

    Genus_identification changed to [The genus Chaetostoma is not straightforward to identify, but as a general rule, the species has spines behind the gill-cover (interopercular odontodes), no plates on the abdomen, and aside from C. platyrhynchus also lack plates on the snout edge. Different from Ancistrus by not having fleshy tentacles on the snout.] from [The genus Chaetostoma is not straightforward to identify, but as a general rule, the species has spines behind the gill-cover (interopercular odontodes), no plates on the abdomen, and aside from C. platyrhynchus also lack plates on the snout edge. Different from Ancistrus by not having fleshy tentacles on the snout.].
  • Jan 19, 05:15 (Serrasalmidae)
    Type_locality changed to [Rio Negro, Barcelos municipality, Brazil, 00°56'56.6"S, 62°55'44.3"W.] from [Rio Negro, Barcelos municipality, Brazil, 00°56'56.6"S, 62°55'44.3"W.].

    Literature changed to [The Natural history of fishes of Guiana Part I, pp 243, Pl. 22.] from [The Natural history of fishes of Guiana, pp 243, Pl. 22].
  • Jan 19, 05:15 Rineloricaria atratoensis (Loricariidae)
    Desc_by changed to [Castellanos-Mejía, Londoño-Burbano, Ochoa, García-Alzate & DoNascimiento] from [Castellanos-Mejía, Londoño-Burbano, Ochoa, García-Alzate & DoNascimiento].

    Type_locality changed to [Caño Chageradó, Atrato River basin, Murindó, Antioqui, Colombia, 06°49'56"N, 76°48'31"W, elevation 8 meters.] from [Colombia, Antioquia, Murindó, caño Chageradó, Atrato River basin, 06°49'56''N, 76°84'31''W.].

    Type_loc_lat changed to [6.8322222222222] from [0].

    Type_loc_long changed to [-76.808611111111] from [0].

    Literature changed to [Ichthyology & Herpetology v. 112 (no. 3), pp 430, Figs. 1A, 2.] from [Ichthyology & Herpetology v. 112 (no. 3), pp 429–443.].

    Identification changed to [Rineloricaria atratoensis is distinguished from all trans-Andean and Central American congeners by having the first (unbranched) ray of dorsal, pectoral, and pelvic fins extended as a short filament (vs. coterminous with branched rays), and from all of these species except R. magdalenae by having a paired deep depression between the nostrils and the interorbital region.] from [Rineloricaria atratoensis is distinguished from all trans-Andean and Central American congeners by having the first (unbranched) ray of dorsal, pectoral, and pelvic fins extended as a short filament (vs. coterminous with branched rays), and from all of these species except R. magdalenae by having a paired deep depression between the nostrils and the interorbital region.].

    Genus_breeding changed to [In captivity, most Rineloricaria will spawn in open ended tubes.] from [In captivity, most Rineloricaria will spawn in open ended tubes.].
  • Jan 19, 05:15 (Gobionidae)
    Type_locality changed to [Huping, Tungting Lake [Lake Dongting, Hubin], Hunan Province, China.] from [Huping, Tungting Lake, Hunan Province, China.].
  • Jan 19, 05:14 (Nemacheilidae)
    Desc_by changed to [Liao & Wang] from [Kessler].

    Year changed to [1997] from [1879].

    Type_locality changed to [Hawk cave, ca. 26°53'N, 107°02'E, Weng'an County, Guizhou, China.] from [Cham River/Chami Depression, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, China.].

    Type_loc_lat changed to [26.883333333333] from [0].

    Type_loc_long changed to [107.03333333333] from [0].

    Literature changed to [Acta Academiae Medicinae Zunyi v. 20 (nos 2-3), pp 4, Fig. 2.] from [Bulletin de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de St. Pétersbourg v. 25, pp 308.].
  • Jan 19, 05:14 Triportheus rotundatus (Triportheidae)
    Type_locality changed to [Lago Amapá, Rio Purus drainage, Acre, Brazil, 10°02'36"S, 67°50'24"W.] from [Lago Amapá, Rio Purus drainage, Acre, Brazil, 10°02'36"S, 67°50'24"W.].

    Literature changed to [The Natural history of fishes of Guiana Part I, pp 209.] from [The Natural history of fishes of Guiana, pp 209.].
  • Jan 19, 05:14 (Loricariidae)
    Year changed to [2003] from [2002].

    Genus_breeding changed to [In captivity, most Rineloricaria will spawn in open ended tubes.] from [In captivity, most Rineloricaria will spawn in open ended tubes.].
  • Jan 19, 05:13 (Prochilodontidae)
    Genus_etymology changed to [Semaprochilodus: Greek, sema, -atos = flag + Greek, pro = in front of + Greek, cheilos = lip + Greek, odous = teeth] from [Semaprochilodus: Greek, sema, -atos = flag + Greek, pro = in front of + Greek, cheilos = lip + Greek, odous = teeth].

    Literature changed to [The Natural history of fishes of Guiana Part I, pp 261, Pl. 30.] from [The Natural history of fishes of Guiana, pp 261, Pl. 30.].
  • Jan 19, 05:13 (Bagridae)
    Type_locality changed to [Mangaldai, Assam-Bhutan Frontier, Darrang district, India.] from [Mangaldai, Assam-Bhutan Frontier, India.].

    Literature changed to [Records of the Indian Museum (Calcutta) v. 7 (pt. 5) (art. 35), pp 443, Pl. 41 (figs. 4, 4a-b).] from [Records of the Indian Museum (Calcutta) v. 7 (pt 5).].

    Genus_identification changed to [The bagrid catfish genus Olyra is known from the Ganges-Brahmaputra river system in the northern part of the Indian subcontinent. It is also known from localities southwards to the Manimalai River in southwestern India and eastwards to the Mae Klong River drainage in western Thailand. The genus is a supported monophyletic group diagnosed by the following combination of external characters: anguilliform body; unossified first and second dorsal-fin elements; and greatly enlarged upper caudal-fin lobe.] from [The bagrid catfish genus Olyra is known from the Ganges-Brahmaputra river system in the northern part of the Indian subcontinent. It is also known from localities southwards to the Manimalai River in southwestern India and eastwards to the Mae Klong River drainage in western Thailand. The genus is a supported monophyletic group diagnosed by the following combination of external characters: anguilliform body; unossified first and second dorsal-fin elements; and greatly enlarged upper caudal-fin lobe.].
  • Jan 19, 05:13 (Pimelodidae)
    Literature changed to [The Natural history of fishes of Guiana Part I, pp 181, Pl. 7.] from [The Natural history of fishes of Guiana, pp 181, Pl. 7.].

    Identification changed to [Only large pimelodid with numerous spots but no stripes. Large flat barbels. A large black spot is present on the lower caudal lobe. Possibly more than one valid species is currently classified as P. notatus given the reported differences in colouration, habitat, and adult size.] from [Only large pimelodid with numerous spots but no stripes. Large flat barbels. A large black spot is present on the lower caudal lobe. Possibly more than one valid species is currently classified as P. notatus given the reported differences in colouration, habitat, and adult size.].
  • Jan 19, 05:13 Acestrorhynchus microlepis (Acestrorhynchidae)
    Genus_etymology changed to [Acestrorhynchus: Greek, agkistron = hook + Greek, rhyngchos = snout] from [Acestrorhynchus: Greek, agkistron = hook + Greek, rhyngchos = snout].

    Literature changed to [The Natural history of fishes of Guiana Part I, pp 247.] from [The Natural history of fishes of Guiana, pp 247].
  • Jan 19, 05:12 (Heptapteridae)
    Type_locality changed to [Huachi, Beni River, Bolivia.] from [Huachi, Bolivia.].

    Genus_etymology changed to [Phenacorhamdia from phenax, imposter or cheat and Rhamdia, a related genus, i.e., a false Rhamdia, presumably referring to similarity to that genus.] from [Phenacorhamdia from phenax, imposter or cheat and Rhamdia, a related genus, i.e., a false Rhamdia, presumably referring to similarity to that genus.].
  • Jan 19, 02:51 (Auchenipteridae)
    Etymology changed to [Oncinus from the Latin name of this species namesake, the Jaguar (Panthera onca)] from [Oncinus from the Latin name of this species namesake, the Jaguar (Panthera onca)].

    Literature changed to [The Natural history of fishes of Guiana Part I, pp 173, Pl. 4.] from [The Natural history of fishes of Guiana, pp 173, Pl. 4.].

    General changed to [A species that becomes active at late dusk and remains so until first light. Spends all of the daytime crammed into a dark spot in the aquarium, or, in nature, driftwood crevices and holes. Liosomadoras is the only genus in Auchenipteridae with a postcleithral process, which is the reason this genus was previously placed in Doradidae.] from [A species that becomes active at late dusk and remains so until first light. Spends all of the daytime crammed into a dark spot in the aquarium, or, in nature, driftwood crevices and holes. Liosomadoras is the only genus in Auchenipteridae with a postcleithral process, which is the reason this genus was previously placed in Doradidae.].
  • Jan 19, 02:45 Apistogramma pleurotaenia (Cichlidae)
    Type_locality changed to [Río de La Plata, South America [aquarium import, erroneous, probably Belem, Brazil].] from [Río de La Plata, South America.].

    Identification changed to [.] from [.].

    Genus_feeding changed to [Apistogramma should be fed mainly on foods that reach the bottom third of the aquarium. Prepared foods include flakes and granules that sink. Live or frozen live foods such as bloodworm or brineshrimp are recommended for bringing pairs into breeding condition.] from [Apistogramma should be fed mainly on foods that reach the bottom third of the aquarium. Prepared foods include flakes and granules that sink. Live or frozen live foods such as bloodworm or brineshrimp are recommended for bringing pairs into breeding condition.].

    Breeding changed to [] from [.].
  • Jan 19, 02:45 (Loricariidae)
    Desc_by changed to [Araújo, Ferreira, Monteiro, & Wosiacki] from [Araújo, Ferreira, Monteiro, & Wosiacki].

    Type_locality changed to [Região do Caju Amigo, almost in front of São João do Araguaia city, Rio Tocantins, Bom Jesus do Tocantins, Pará State, Brazil, 5°20'27"S, 48°47'18.3"W.] from [Brazil, Pará State, Bom Jesus do Tocantins, Rio Tocantins: Região do Caju Amigo, almost in front of São João do Araguaia city, 5°20'27'' S, 48°47'18.3'' W.].

    Type_loc_lat changed to [-5.3408333333333] from [0].

    Type_loc_long changed to [-48.788416666667] from [0].

    Genus_etymology changed to [A contraction of the Greek hypo (meaning less than) and ancistrus, an allusion to the reduced number of teeth (particularly in the lower jaw) found in this genus.] from [A contraction of the Greek hypo (meaning less than) and ancistrus, an allusion to the reduced number of teeth (particularly in the lower jaw) found in this genus.].

    Etymology changed to [parkateje, a noun in apposition in honor of the Parkatêjê traditional Indigenous community near the sampling site where the holotype was collected (Bom Jesus do Tocantins, Pará, Brazil).] from [parkateje, a noun in apposition in honor of the Parkatêjê traditional Indigenous community near the sampling site where the holotype was collected (Bom Jesus do Tocantins, Pará, Brazil).].

    Literature changed to [Journal of Fish Biology, pp Figs. 1, 2a, 3.] from [J. Fish Biology, 15971, pp. 1–10.].

    Identification changed to [H. parkateje has a yellow-tan base color covered by a dark banding pattern on the lateral and dorsal surfaces; the width of dark bands is equal to or slightly wider than the intervening areas of yellow-tan base color. The snout is covered by a dark E-shaped oblique mark, and a thin light bar is present on posterior of head, extending across branchial opening. Dark vertical vermicular bars cover the lateral and dorsal body from pectoral-fin base to caudal peduncle; four dark bars in caudal fin. Ventral surface is pale or white from oral disk to urogenital opening. The species is known for possessing enlarged cheek odontodes reaching beyond the cleithrum and contacting mid-lateral plate rows (vs. odontodes being diminutive or not exceeding the base of the pectoral-fin spine).] from [H. parkateje has a yellow-tan base color covered by a dark banding pattern on the lateral and dorsal surfaces; the width of dark bands is equal to or slightly wider than the intervening areas of yellow-tan base color. The snout is covered by a dark E-shaped oblique mark, and a thin light bar is present on posterior of head, extending across branchial opening. Dark vertical vermicular bars cover the lateral and dorsal body from pectoral-fin base to caudal peduncle; four dark bars in caudal fin. Ventral surface is pale or white from oral disk to urogenital opening. The species is known for possessing enlarged cheek odontodes reaching beyond the cleithrum and contacting mid-lateral plate rows (vs. odontodes being diminutive or not exceeding the base of the pectoral-fin spine).].

    General changed to [H. parkateje is similar to Peckoltia sp. L080 and is sometimes collected together with it.] from [H. parkateje is similar to Peckoltia sp. L080 and is sometimes collected together with it.].

    Water changed to [H. parkateje is found in areas of river rapids with moderate water flow over a rocky substrate.] from [H. parkateje is found in areas of river rapids with moderate water flow over a rocky substrate.].

    Genus_feeding changed to [Unlike the popular opinion of many other loricariids, Hypancistrus are more carnivores than algae eaters. This is backed up by a small and lightly toothed mouth that indicates they are poor algae scrapers. Provide small and frequent supply of mainly meaty foods such as dry discus food, bloodworm and even brineshrimp with the infrequent offering of flake or algae tablets.] from [Unlike the popular opinion of many other loricariids, Hypancistrus are more carnivores than algae eaters. This is backed up by a small and lightly toothed mouth that indicates they are poor algae scrapers. Provide small and frequent supply of mainly meaty foods such as dry discus food, bloodworm and even brineshrimp with the infrequent offering of flake or algae tablets.].

    Genus_tankmates changed to [Small tetras and other similar small fish. Also Corydoras. Care has to be taken to ensure that they get enough food, as they can be a bit shy and slow to grab food when available.] from [Small tetras and other similar small fish. Also Corydoras. Care has to be taken to ensure that they get enough food, as they can be a bit shy and slow to grab food when available.].

    Genus_breeding changed to [All Hypancistrus are closed cave spawners. Males trap females in the cave, eggs are laid and fertilised after which the male guards them until the fry are free swimming.] from [All Hypancistrus are closed cave spawners. Males trap females in the cave, eggs are laid and fertilised after which the male guards them until the fry are free swimming.].
  • Jan 19, 02:45 Salvelinus svetovidovi (Salmonidae)
    Desc_by changed to [Chereshnev & Skopets] from [Chereshnev & Skopets].

    Original_desc changed to [n] from [y].

    Distribution changed to [Former USSR: Endemic to Lake El"gygytgyn in the central region of the Chukchee Peninsula.] from [Former USSR: Endemic to Lake El"gygytgyn in the central region of the Chukchee Peninsula.].
  • Jan 19, 02:44 Telmatochromis devosi (Cichlidae)
    Desc_by changed to [Schelly, Stiassny & Seegers] from [Schelly, Stiassny & Seegers].

    Original_desc changed to [n] from [y].

    Type_locality changed to [A few kilometers upstream from Ilgala, lower course of Malagarasi River, 5°11'59''S, 29°49'59''E, Tanzania.] from [A few kilometers upstream from Ilgala, lower course of Malagarasi River, 5°11'59''S, 29°49'59''E, Tanzania.].
  • Jan 18, 00:56 Hoplisoma sp. (Cw212) (Callichthyidae)
  • Jan 18, 00:44 (Doradidae)
    Canonical_topic_id changed to [51630] from [].

    Identification changed to [Reasonably easy to ID although young fish can look quite variable. Some degree of sexual dichromatism exists and the males bear a resemblance to the larger Anadoras grypus. Very often sold under the incorrect name of Amblydoras hancockii.] from [Reasonably easy to ID although young fish can look quite variable. Some degree of sexual dichromatism exists and the males bear a resemblance to the larger Anadoras grypus. Very often sold under the incorrect name of Amblydoras hancockii.].

    Breeding changed to [In the aquarium, this species is an egg scatterer. But reports exist of reproduction in the wild which involves a bubble nest built in plants which the male guards. The author has collected exceedingly small (< 10 mm SL) young Amblydoras in semi-aquatic reeds and partially submerged shrubs. No adults were collected in water about 45 cm deep. Youngsters were everywhere and one swipe of the net could turn up ten or more young.] from [In the aquarium, this species appears to be an egg scatterer. But reports exist of reproduction in the wild which involves a bubble nest built in plants which the male guards. The author has collected very small ( < 10 mm SL) young Amblydoras in semi-aquatic reeds and partially submerged shrubs. No adults were collected in water about 45 cm deep. Youngsters were everywhere and one swipe of the net could turn up 10 or more young.].
  • Jan 16, 19:22 (Auchenipteridae)
    Distribution changed to [South America: Upper Amazon River basin.] from [South America: Suriname and Marowijne River basins.].
  • Jan 16, 13:18 (Loricariidae)
    Desc_by changed to [Andrade, Uzeda, Paiola, Siqueira-Cesar, Okubo, Marques-Frisoni & Langeani] from [].

    Year changed to [2024] from [0].

    Original_desc changed to [y] from [].

    Type_locality changed to [Unnamed stream on Highway AMG-1915 (Piquete - Delfim Moreira), Rio Sapucaí drainage, Rio Grande subbasin, Delfim Moreira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, 22°32'31.3"S, 45°14'28.8"W, elevation 1.331 meters.] from [].

    Type_loc_lat changed to [-22.542027777778] from [0].

    Type_loc_long changed to [-45.241333333333] from [0].

    Literature changed to [Neotropical Ichthyology v. 22 (no. 4): e240021, pp 14, Figs. 10-11.] from [].
  • Jan 16, 13:18 (Loricariidae)
    Desc_by changed to [Uzeda, Paiola, Siqueira-Cesar, Okubo, Marques-Frisoni, Andrade & Langeani] from [].

    Year changed to [2024] from [0].

    Original_desc changed to [y] from [].

    Type_locality changed to [Rio Capivari at Engenho da Serra district, rio Sapucaí drainage, rio Grande subbasin, Itamonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, 22°21'04.38"S, 44°47'11.66"W, elevation 1.357 meters.] from [].

    Type_loc_lat changed to [-22.351216666667] from [0].

    Type_loc_long changed to [-44.786572222222] from [0].

    Literature changed to [Neotropical Ichthyology v. 22 (no. 4): e240021, pp 4, Figs. 1, 2B, 3, 4A, 5A, 6B, 7.] from [].
  • Jan 11, 02:08 (Auchenoglanididae)
    Desc_by changed to [Modimo, Bernt, Monsembula Iyaba, Mbimbi & Liyandja] from [Modimo, Bernt, Monsembula Iyaba, Mbimbi & Liyandja].

    Type_locality changed to [Ndzaa River, 4.6 km upstream of the Ndzaa confluence with the Mfimi River, Kutu Territory, Mai-Ndombe Province, D. R. Congo, 02°48'17.3"S, 18°11'08.0"E.] from [Ndzaa River, 4.6 km upstream of the Ndzaa confluence with the Mfimi River, Kutu Territory, Mai-Ndombe Province, D. R. Congo, 02°48'17.3"S, 18°11'08.0"E.].

    Type_loc_comp_lat changed to [-2.8048055555556] from [0].

    Type_loc_comp_long changed to [18.185555555556] from [0].

    Genus_etymology changed to [Parauchenoglanis: The Greek prefix para means near; in reference to the resemblance to Auchenoglanis.] from [Parauchenoglanis: The Greek prefix para means near; in reference to the resemblance to Auchenoglanis.].

    Genus_canonical_topic_id changed to [52747] from [].

    Genus_identification changed to [In all Parauchenoglanis the small eyes are not covered by a transparent skin (having a free border). The first dorsal spine is small, the second large and strong followed by seven branched fin rays (rarely eight). Pectoral fin with one spine and 7-8 branched rays, pelvic fin with six rays (of which five are branched), anal fin with 6-10 branched rays. Edge of caudal is straight or rounded.] from [In all Parauchenoglanis the small eyes are not covered by a transparent skin (having a free border). The first dorsal spine is small, the second large and strong followed by seven branched fin rays (rarely eight). Pectoral fin with one spine and 7-8 branched rays, pelvic fin with six rays (of which five are branched), anal fin with 6-10 branched rays. Edge of caudal is straight or rounded.].
  • Jan 10, 10:34 (Loricariidae)
    Desc_by changed to [Lujan, Armbruster & Sabaj Pérez] from [Lujan, Armbruster & Sabaj].

    Type_locality changed to [Río Casiquiare, 73 kilometers northeast of San Carlos de Río Negro, 2°21'09"N, 66°34'31"W, Amazonas, Venezuela.] from [Venezuela, Amazonas: Rio Casiquaire, bedrock in stream 73 km NE of San Carlos de Rio Negro (2 21' 09''N 66 34' 31''W)].

    Type_loc_lat changed to [2.3525] from [0].

    Type_loc_long changed to [-66.575277777778] from [0].

    Literature changed to [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 18 (no. 2), pp 164, Figs. 1b, 2-3.] from [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters. v. 18 (no. 3): 163-174].

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