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Scientific Name Pseudohemiodon almendarizi  Provenzano, Argüello & Barriga Salazar, 2022
Common Names Tiger Sand Pleco
Pseudohemiodon Sp`peru_i`, Pseudohemiodon Sp`peru_ii`, Pseudohemiodon Sp`tiger`, Tigersandmalle (Denmark)
Type Locality Aguarico River near Puerto Loja, Napo River system, Orellana Province, Ecuador, approximately 00°52'57"N, 75°13'30"W [coordinates probably not entirely correct].
Pronunciation seu doh hem ee oh don
Etymology Greek, pseudes = false + Greek, hemi = half + Greek, odous = teeth 
Hop to next section Habitat Information
Amazon, Upper Amazon, Napo, Upper Napo, Aguarico (click on these areas to find other species found there)

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IUCN Red List Category
Not Evaluated
Hop to next section Husbandry Information
Feeding Adapts well to dried food over live or frozen mosquito larvae and cyclops. User data.
Furniture Sand on the bottom so the fishes are able to dig themselves into the substrate. When feeding they filter through the substrate and so the size off the substrate should be very fine.
Suggested Tankmates Peaceful fishes such as smaller Characins.
Breeding One of the fishes, probably the male, carries the eggs on the lip barbels and under the stomach. The color of the eggs are grey and they turn progressively darker after 4-5 days. After a week the fry hatch. They are rather big, about 4 mm and will eat artemia eggs and granulated dried food from the start. About 20-25 eggs are laid. Breeding was accomplished in hard tap water 20 dh. and pH 7.5.

Breeding Reports There is no breeding report.
Hop to next section Further Information
Reference Zootaxa 5129 (no. 1), pp 79, Figs. 1-3a.
Registered Keepers There is no registered keeper.
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Last Update 2023 Nov 08 09:15 (species record created: 2012 Mar 17 08:03)