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Scientific Name Parotocinclus jequi    Lehmann A., Koech Braun, Pereira & Reis, 2013
Common Name
Type Locality Minas Gerais, Serro, headwater creek of the Rio Jequitinhonha at Cachoeira do Moinho de Esteira, on road BR-259 from Serro to Pedro Lessa, 18°34'21"S, 43°29'35"W, Brazil.
Pronunciation parr auto SINK luss
Etymology Parotocinclus: Greek, para in the side of + greek, ous, otis = ear + Greek, kygklos, ou = a fish. jequi, a noun in apposition. From the native Tupi language ye’kei, a type of fish trap, and part of the name of Rio Jequitinhonha, which means field of the river traps: jequi (fish trap), ty (water, river), and nhum (field).
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Size 54mm or 2.1" SL. Find near, nearer or same sized spp.
Identification The genus Parotocinclus can readily be distinguished from Otocinclus by the presence of an adipose fin in the former.
Sexing Compared to mature females, mature males possess (1) more conical urogenital papilla, located behind the anal opening; (2) a fleshy flap along the dorsal margin of the first thickened pelvic-fin ray; and (3) thickened skin along the snout margin which can reduce the visibility of odontodes there (vs snout margin odontodes fully visible in females).
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Minas Gerais State Rivers, Jequitinhonha (click on these areas to find other species found there)

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IUCN Red List Category
Not Evaluated
Other Parameters This species is collected in shallow clear water with a substrate of rocks and pebbles, and marginal vegetation of grasses and trees.
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Furniture ***blank***.
Breeding Reports There is no breeding report.
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Reference Copeia 2013, No. 3, 435–440.
Registered Keepers There is no registered keeper.
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Last Update 2025 Jan 29 12:15 (species record created: 2018 Jan 30 06:58)