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Scientific Name Chiloglanis carnatus    Mutizwa, Bragança & Chakona, 2024
Common Name
Type Locality Mukwadzi River near bridge on the road to Mutorashanga, Manyame River sub-catchment, middle Zambezi River system, Mashonaland West Province, 17.42485°S, 30.58542°E.
Pronunciation Kee low glan iss
Etymology Chiloglanis: From the Greek cheilos, meaning lip, and glanis, meaning catfish; in reference to the oral morphology. 
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Identification The second largest catfish genus in Africa after Synodontis. They are characterized by jaws and lips modified into a sucker or oral disc used for adhering to and feeding upon objects in fast-flowing waters. Generally reasonably small at 100 mm SL or less. species with forked caudal fins can show sexual dimorphism and is usually species-specific. Other characteristics in this hard-to-ID genus are the size of the adipose fin, the position of the adipose fin relative to pelvic and ventral fins, size of barbles, eyes and dorsal fin. Only a handful of species are identified on colouration. They can be distinguished from other African suckermouth catfish (of the genera Euchilichthys and Atopochilus) by their circular suckermouth disc. This is more elliptical in the other two genera.
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IUCN Red List Category
Not Evaluated
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Breeding Reports There is no breeding report.
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Reference ZooKeys No. 1197, pp 75, Figs. 9, 10A.
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Last Update 2025 Jan 02 00:43 (species record created: 2024 Apr 05 19:54)