
Breeding Reports

  • Nov 18,
    Duringlanis romaniDuringlanis romani
    updated report by Jools (b:54)
  • Nov 19,
    Hypancistrus zebraHypancistrus zebra
    updated report by Jools (b:17)
  • Jan 01,
    Oryzias latipesOryzias latipes
    new report by bekateen (b:37)
  • Aug 12,
    Herotilapia multispinosaHerotilapia multispinosa
    new report by bekateen (b:40)
  • Jul 05,
    Laetacara dorsigeraLaetacara dorsigera
    updated report by bekateen (b:44)
  • May 11,
    Heterandria formosaHeterandria formosa
    updated report by bekateen (b:18)
  • Nov 13,
    Nanochromis splendensNanochromis splendens
    updated report by Bettaja (b:55)
  • Feb 21,
    Neoheterandria elegansNeoheterandria elegans
    new report by bekateen (b:8)
  • Feb 19,
    Copella arnoldiCopella arnoldi
    updated report by bekateen (b:45)
  • Jan 02,
    Tanichthys albonubesTanichthys albonubes
    updated report by bekateen (b:40)
  • Nov 08,
    Poecilia reticulataPoecilia reticulata
    new report by Divemaster (b:41)
  • Oct 30,
    Hoplisoma paleatumHoplisoma paleatum
    new report by Divemaster (b:42)
  • Aug 19,
    Hypancistrus zebraHypancistrus zebra
    new report by JKvalvaag (b:49)
  • Aug 19,
    Hoplisoma sterbaiHoplisoma sterbai
    new report by JKvalvaag (b:48)
  • Aug 19,
    Danio margaritatusDanio margaritatus
    new report by JKvalvaag (b:43)
  • Aug 15,
    Semotilus atromaculatusSemotilus atromaculatus
    new report by Divemaster (b:42)
  • Nov 29,
    Synodontis multipunctatusSynodontis multipunctatus
    new report by Cichlidon (b:25)
  • Aug 24,
    Poecilia sphenopsPoecilia sphenops
    new report by HUNdani (b:13)
  • Aug 22,
    Apistogramma cacatuoidesApistogramma cacatuoides
    new report by HUNdani (b:13)
  • Aug 22,
    Xiphophorus helleriiXiphophorus hellerii
    new report by HUNdani (b:11)
  • Aug 22,
    Osteogaster aeneaOsteogaster aenea
    new report by HUNdani (b:13)
  • Aug 22,
    Psalidodon anisitsiPsalidodon anisitsi
    new report by HUNdani (b:13)
  • May 28,
    Gastrodermus pygmaeusGastrodermus pygmaeus
    new report by Onsaud (b:49)
  • May 21, Nomorhamphus ebrardtii new report by tyrano34 (b:27)
  • Mar 22,
    Benitochromis finleyiBenitochromis finleyi
    new report by Andi8421 (b:19)
  • Mar 21,
    Pelvicachromis pulcherPelvicachromis pulcher
    new report by Andi8421 (b:6)
  • Nov 08,
    Haplochromis vanheusdeniHaplochromis vanheusdeni
    new report by Anton (b:13)
  • Jul 30,
    Gastrodermus sp. (C123)Gastrodermus sp. (C123)
    new report by Bd79 (b:6)
  • Jun 07,
    Clupisoma bastariClupisoma bastari
    new report by djtonyel (b:12)
  • May 12, Poeciliopsis prolifica new report by Harold Weiss (b:45)
  • Jan 24,
    Benitochromis ufermanniBenitochromis ufermanni
    new report by Anton (b:10)
  • Jan 16,
    Benitochromis batesiiBenitochromis batesii
    new report by Anton (b:54)
  • Species Profile Updates

    • Nov 09, 01:20 (Callichthyidae)
      Original_desc changed to [n] from [y].

      Identification changed to [May be confused with C. seussi, but this species has a rounded snout, C. seussi has a pointed snout.] from [May be confused with C. seussi, but this species has a rounded snout, C. seussi has a pointed snout.].

      Distribution changed to [South America: Mamoré River basin.] from [South America: Mamoré River basin.].

      Genus_feeding changed to [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.] from [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.].

      Breeding changed to [See Shane's World article] from [See Shane's World article].
    • Nov 09, 01:20 (Callichthyidae)
      Desc_by changed to [Tencatt & Evers] from [Tencatt & Evers].

      Original_desc changed to [n] from [y].

      Type_locality changed to [Swamps in the vicinity of the town of Santa Rita, draining into the río Inambari, río Madre de Dios basin, Madre de Dios, Peru, 12°54’46.4"S, 70°10’37.4"W.] from [Swamps in the vicinity of the town of Santa Rita, draining into the río Inambari, río Madre de Dios basin, Madre de Dios, Peru, 12°54’46.4"S, 70°10’37.4"W.].

      Genus_feeding changed to [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.] from [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.].
    • Nov 09, 00:47 (Callichthyidae)
      Desc_by changed to [Britto & Lima] from [Britto & Lima].

      Original_desc changed to [n] from [y].

      Type_locality changed to [Río Tiquié, communidade de Caruru, beaches in pool below the fall, 0°16'28.9"N, 69°54'53.6"W, Amazonas State, Brazil.] from [Río Tiquié, communidade de Caruru, beaches in pool below the fall, 0°16'28.9"N, 69°54'53.6"W, Amazonas State, Brazil.].

      Distribution changed to [South America: Rio Tiquié and its tributaries in the upper rio Negro Basin, Brazil.] from [South America: Rio Tiquié and its tributaries in the upper rio Negro Basin, Brazil.].

      Genus_feeding changed to [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.] from [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.].
    • Nov 08, 23:23 (Loricariidae)
      Desc_by changed to [Araújo, Ferreira, Monteiro, & Wosiacki] from [].

      Year changed to [2024] from [0].

      Original_desc changed to [y] from [].

      Type_locality changed to [Brazil, Pará State, Bom Jesus do Tocantins, Rio Tocantins: Região do Caju Amigo, almost in front of São João do Araguaia city, 5°20'27'' S, 48°47'18.3'' W.] from [].

      Genus_etymology changed to [A contraction of the Greek hypo (meaning less than) and ancistrus, an allusion to the reduced number of teeth (particularly in the lower jaw) found in this genus.] from [A contraction of the Greek hypo (meaning less than) and ancistrus, an allusion to the reduced number of teeth (particularly in the lower jaw) found in this genus.].

      Etymology changed to [parkateje, a noun in apposition in honor of the Parkatêjê traditional Indigenous community near the sampling site where the holotype was collected (Bom Jesus do Tocantins, Pará, Brazil).] from [].

      Literature changed to [J. Fish Biology, 15971, pp. 1–10.] from [].

      Literature_url changed to [] from [].

      Sl changed to [70] from [0].

      Identification changed to [H. parkateje has a yellow-tan base color covered by a dark banding pattern on the lateral and dorsal surfaces; the width of dark bands is equal to or slightly wider than the intervening areas of yellow-tan base color. The snout is covered by a dark E-shaped oblique mark, and a thin light bar is present on posterior of head, extending across branchial opening. Dark vertical vermicular bars cover the lateral and dorsal body from pectoral-fin base to caudal peduncle; four dark bars in caudal fin. Ventral surface is pale or white from oral disk to urogenital opening. The species is known for possessing enlarged cheek odontodes reaching beyond the cleithrum and contacting mid-lateral plate rows (vs. odontodes being diminutive or not exceeding the base of the pectoral-fin spine).] from [].

      Genus_sexing changed to [Mature males have thicker first pectoral ray, more pronounced odontodes on the first pectoral fin ray and odontodes on the cheeks and/or rear of the body, and typically a wider head. Mature females are wider around the middle of the body, and much less noticeable body and fin odontodes.] from [Mature males have thicker first pectoral ray, more pronounced odontodes on the first pectoral fin ray and odontodes on the rear of the body, and typically a wider head. Mature females are wider around the middle of the body, and much less noticeable body and fin odontodes.].

      General changed to [H. parkateje is similar to Peckoltia sp. L080 and is sometimes collected together with it.] from [].

      Distribution changed to [South America: Brazil, Middle Rio Tocantins.] from [].

      Water changed to [H. parkateje is found in areas of river rapids with moderate water flow over a rocky substrate.] from [].

      Genus_feeding changed to [Unlike the popular opinion of many other loricariids, Hypancistrus are more carnivores than algae eaters. This is backed up by a small and lightly toothed mouth that indicates they are poor algae scrapers. Provide small and frequent supply of mainly meaty foods such as dry discus food, bloodworm and even brineshrimp with the infrequent offering of flake or algae tablets.] from [Unlike the popular opinion of many other loricariids, Hypancistrus are more carnivores than algae eaters. This is backed up by a small and lightly toothed mouth that indicates they are poor algae scrapers. Provide small and frequent supply of mainly meaty foods such as dry discus food, bloodworm and even brineshrimp with the infrequent offering of flake or algae tablets.].

      Genus_tankmates changed to [Small tetras and other similar small fish. Also Corydoras. Care has to be taken to ensure that they get enough food, as they can be a bit shy and slow to grab food when available.] from [Small tetras and other similar small fish. Also Corydoras. Care has to be taken to ensure that they get enough food, as they can be a bit shy and slow to grab food when available.].

      Genus_breeding changed to [All Hypancistrus are closed cave spawners. Males trap females in the cave, eggs are laid and fertilised after which the male guards them until the fry are free swimming.] from [All Hypancistrus are closed cave spawners. Males trap females in the cave, eggs are laid and fertilised after which the male guards them until the fry are free swimming.].
    • Nov 07, 12:06 (Callichthyidae)
      Etymology changed to [Lat. eques horseman, rider.] from [Lat. eques horseman, rider.].

      Genus_feeding changed to [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.] from [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.].
    • Nov 07, 11:49 (Callichthyidae)
      Desc_by changed to [Lima & Britto] from [Lima & Britto].

      Original_desc changed to [n] from [y].

      Type_locality changed to [Rio Juininha, tributary of the Rio Juruena, road BR-174, Mato Grosso, Brazil, 11°32'12"S, 58°51'08"W.] from [Rio Juininha, tributary of the Rio Juruena, road BR-174, Mato Grosso, Brazil, 11°32'12"S, 58°51'08"W.].

      Genus_feeding changed to [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.] from [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.].
    • Nov 05, 11:24 (Callichthyidae)
      Original_desc changed to [n] from [y].

      Identification changed to [C. habrosus can be confused with the similar patterened species Corydoras cochui. However, C. habrosus has three blotches along the flank while C. cochui has four. C.cochui has two smaller spots situated between the adipose fin and the caudal peduncle while C. habrosus has a distinct large blotch on the caudal peduncle.] from [C. habrosus can be confused with the similar patterened species Corydoras cochui. However, C. habrosus has three blotches along the flank while C. cochui has four. C.cochui has two smaller spots situated between the adipose fin and the caudal peduncle while C. habrosus has a distinct large blotch on the caudal peduncle.].

      Genus_feeding changed to [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.] from [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.].
    • Nov 05, 11:24 (Callichthyidae)
      Original_desc changed to [n] from [y].

      Genus_feeding changed to [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.] from [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.].

      Compatibility changed to [A peaceful fish exhibiting typical Corydoras behavior. A mid-water swimming Cory.] from [A peaceful fish exhibiting typical Corydoras behavior. A mid-water swimming Cory.].

      Breeding changed to [Spawns in pairs or groups, having more than one trio (2 females and one male) increases chances of spawning. Eggs deposited around the tank, on glass and plants. Perhaps prefers plants. Eggs are 1mm in size, female carries only one egg at a time in ventral pouch. One female can lay up to 100 eggs per spawning cycle. C. pygmaeus rarely eat their eggs.

      Fry will feed on micro organisms in the tank and on an open sponge filter if present. If hatched out of spawning tank microworms, vinegar eels, rotifers and small daphnia such as Cerio daphnia will be accepted.]
      from [Spawns in pairs or groups, having more than one trio (2 females and one male) increases chances of spawning. Eggs deposited around the tank, on glass and plants. Perhaps prefers plants. Eggs are 1mm in size, female carries only one egg at a time in ventral pouch. One female can lay up to 100 eggs per spawning cycle. C. pygmaeus rarely eat their eggs.

      Fry will feed on micro organisms in the tank and on an open sponge filter if present. If hatched out of spawning tank microworms, vinegar eels, rotifers and small daphnia such as Cerio daphnia will be accepted.].
    • Nov 05, 11:22 (Callichthyidae)
      Original_desc changed to [n] from [y].

      Etymology changed to [From the Latin, elegans meaning tasteful, fine.] from [From the Latin, elegans meaning tasteful, fine.].

      Identification changed to [A very variable species not made easier to identify by the difference in colouration of mature males and females. Similar to C. napoensis, C. nanus and C. sp. CW044 (often called C. pestai), C. undulatus and a few variations thereof.] from [A very variable species not made easier to identify by the difference in colouration of mature males and females. Similar to C. napoensis, C. nanus and C. sp. CW044 (often called C. pestai), C. undulatus and a few variations thereof.].

      Genus_feeding changed to [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.] from [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.].

      Tankmates changed to [Other similar Corydoras, dwarf cichlids and tetras. A robust species that will adapt to larger peaceful tankmates. Keep in a shoal of at least 6.] from [Other similar Corydoras, dwarf cichlids and tetras. A robust species that will adapt to larger peaceful tankmates. Keep in a shoal of at least 6.].

      Breeding changed to [Interesting in that this fish is not reported to follow the usual Corydoras method of reproduction. Eggs are laid by the female and placed by the female in the usual manner, but the preceding T-position clinch does not occur. Fertilisation appears to occur after the eggs are placed on plants or the aquarium glass. Fry emerge after 3 days and are free swimming in another two. The fry are quite small and should be offered small foods such as microworm or powdered pre-soaked flake food. It is also reported that males become very aggressive in the lead up to spawning and no more than three are suggested.] from [Interesting in that this fish is not reported to follow the usual Corydoras method of reproduction. Eggs are laid by the female and placed by the female in the usual manner, but the preceding T-position clinch does not occur. Fertilisation appears to occur after the eggs are placed on plants or the aquarium glass. Fry emerge after 3 days and are free swimming in another two. The fry are quite small and should be offered small foods such as microworm or powdered pre-soaked flake food. It is also reported that males become very aggressive in the lead up to spawning and no more than three are suggested.].
    • Nov 05, 11:22 (Ariidae)
      Desc_by changed to [Valenciennes] from [].

      Year changed to [1840] from [0].

      Original_desc changed to [n] from [].

      Type_locality changed to [Cayenne, French Guiana.] from [].

      Literature changed to [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 14, pp 459.] from [].
    • Nov 05, 11:21 (Gobionidae)
      Desc_by changed to [Chen & Cao] from [Chen & Cao].

      Type_locality changed to [Yuan-Jiang (upper Red River), Yunnan Province, China.] from [Yunnan Province, China.].
    • Oct 29, 11:00 (Acipenseridae)
      Genus_etymology changed to [Acipenser: Latin name for sturgeon,.] from [Acipenser: Latin name for sturgeon,.].

      Literature changed to [Novyi Magazin, Estestvennoi Istorii, Fiziki, Khimii i Svedenii i Svedenii Ekologicheskikh, Izdannyi 1. Dviubskim v. 1 (no. 2), pp 78, Pl. 6 (fig. 2).] from [Novyi Magazin, Estestvennoi Istorii, Fiziki, Khimii i Svedenii i Svedenii Ekologicheskikh, Izdannyi 1. Dviubskim Part 2, pp 78, Pl. 6 (fig. 2)].
    • Oct 29, 10:59 Rineloricaria giua (Loricariidae)
      Desc_by changed to [Castellanos-Mejía, Londoño-Burbano, Ochoa, García-Alzate & DoNascimiento] from [].

      Year changed to [2024] from [0].

      Original_desc changed to [-] from [].

      Type_locality changed to [Colombia, Cesar, La Jagua de Ibirico, Tucuy River, Magdalena River Basin, 9°35'13''N, 73°18'34.9''W, 122m a.s.l.] from [].

      Etymology changed to [The specific epithet guia, a noun in apposition honoring the Grupo de Ictiología of Universidad de Antioquia (acronym GIUA).] from [].

      Literature changed to [Ichthyology & Herpetology v. 112 (no. 3), pp 429–443.] from [].

      Literature_url changed to [] from [].

      Sl changed to [95] from [0].

      Identification changed to [Rineloricaria giua is distinguished from all trans-Andean and Central American congeners except R. jubata and R. uracantha by having four or five rows of median abdominal plates (vs. three or more than six). R. giua is also distinguished from all trans-Andean and Central American congeners except R. magdalenae by having lateral margins of the snout straight (vs. convex).] from [].

      Sexing changed to [Adult males have hypertrophied odontodes on the sides of their head and on the dorsum of pectoral fins.] from [].

      Distribution changed to [South America: Aracataca River in the lower section of the Magdalena River basin, from the Carare River in the middle section of the Magdalena River, and from the arroyo Manantiales, a tributary of the Caribbean Ranchería River, Colombia.] from [].
    • Oct 29, 10:57 (Salmonidae)
      Type_locality changed to [Kamchatka, Russia [possibly from the rivers of Avacha Bay].] from [Kamchatka, Russia.].
    • Oct 28, 14:07 Rineloricaria atratoensis (Loricariidae)
      Desc_by changed to [Castellanos-Mejía, Londoño-Burbano, Ochoa, García-Alzate & DoNascimiento] from [Regan].

      Year changed to [2024] from [1904].

      Type_locality changed to [Colombia, Antioquia, Murindó, caño Chageradó, Atrato River basin, 06°49'56''N, 76°84'31''W.] from [Eastern Ecuador.].

      Brazil_negative_list changed to [n] from [].

      Etymology changed to [The specific epithet is a reference to the type locality, the Atrato River.] from [].

      Literature changed to [Ichthyology & Herpetology v. 112 (no. 3), pp 429–443.] from [Transactions of the Zoological Society of London v. 17 (pt 3, no. 1), pp 247, Pl. 13 (fig. 3).].

      Literature_url changed to [] from [].

      Sl changed to [133] from [300].

      Identification changed to [Rineloricaria atratoensis is distinguished from all trans-Andean and Central American congeners by having the first (unbranched) ray of dorsal, pectoral, and pelvic fins extended as a short filament (vs. coterminous with branched rays), and from all of these species except R. magdalenae by having a paired deep depression between the nostrils and the interorbital region.] from [].

      Sexing changed to [Adult males have hypertrophied odontodes on the sides of their head and on the dorsum of pectoral fins.] from [].

      Distribution changed to [South America: Atrato River basin, Colombia.] from [South America: Zamora River basin in the upper Marañon River drainage, Ecuador.].
    • Oct 28, 12:29 (Mastacembelidae)
      Type_locality changed to [Yangtze River (Chang-Jian), China.] from [China.].
    • Oct 28, 11:37 (Loricariidae)
      Distribution changed to [South America: Upper Chamaya River basin in upper Marañon River drainage, Peru.] from [Upper Chamaya River basin in upper Marañon River drainage, Peru.].
    • Oct 27, 04:28 Megalamphodus haraldschultzi (Acestrorhamphidae)
    • Oct 27, 04:27 (Acestrorhamphidae)
      Sl changed to [31] from [40].

      Distribution changed to [South America: Amazon, Guaporé and Paraguay River basins.] from [Amazon and Guaporé River basins; Paraná River basin.].
    • Oct 27, 04:27 Megalamphodus copelandi (Acestrorhamphidae)
    • Oct 27, 04:27 Megalamphodus socolofi (Acestrorhamphidae)
    • Oct 27, 04:27 (Acestrorhamphidae)
      Type_locality changed to [Gluck Island, Essequibo River, Guyana (a river island at about 6°00' to 6°05'N, 58°36'W).] from [Gluck Island, Essequibo River, Guyana (a river island at about {for map: 6°03'N, 58°36'W} 6°00' to 6°05'N, 58°36'W).].

      Type_loc_lat changed to [6] from [6.05].

      Type_loc_long changed to [6.0833333333333] from [-58.6].
    • Oct 27, 04:27 Haplochromis paludinosus (Cichlidae)
      Distribution changed to [Africa: Lower Malagarasi River and swamps (Tanzania).] from [].
    • Oct 27, 04:26 Megalamphodus micropterus (Acestrorhamphidae)
      Distribution changed to [South America: São Francisco River basin.] from [South America: São Francisco River basin.].
    • Oct 27, 04:26 (Acestrorhamphidae)
      Type_locality changed to [Villa Bella and Cudajas, Amazon River, Brazil [Parintins and Codajás, Amazones, Brazil].] from [Villa Bella and Cudajas, Amazon River.].

      Genus_etymology changed to [Hemigrammus: Greek, hemi = half + Greek, gramma = letter, signal.] from [Hemigrammus: Greek, hemi = half + Greek, gramma = letter, signal.].
    • Oct 27, 04:26 (Acestrorhamphidae)
    • Oct 27, 04:26 (Acestrorhamphidae)
      Type_locality changed to [Lagoon at Santa Filomena on Rio Parnahyba (Rio Parnaíba), Brazil.] from [Lagoon at Santa Filomena on Rio Parnahyba, Brazil.].

      Distribution changed to [South America: Brazil (in Paranaíba River basin), Paraguay and Argentina.] from [South America: Brazil (in Paranaíba River basin), Paraguay and Argentina.].
    • Oct 27, 04:25 (Acestrorhamphidae)
    • Oct 27, 04:25 Megalamphodus epicharis (Acestrorhamphidae)
    • Oct 27, 04:25 Bario oligolepis (Acestrorhamphidae)
      Desc_by changed to [Günther] from [Günther].
    • Oct 27, 04:25 Hasemania negodagua (Acestrorhamphidae)
      Desc_by changed to [Lima & Gerhard] from [Lima & Gerhard].

      Original_desc changed to [n] from [y].

      Type_locality changed to [Río Pratinha at Fezenda Pratinha, 12°21'13"S, 41°32'51"W, município de Iraquara, Bahia, Brazil.] from [Río Pratinha at Fezenda Pratinha, 12°21'13"S, 41°32'51"W, município de Iraquara, Bahia, Brazil.].

      Distribution changed to [South America: upper Paraguaçú River basin.] from [South America: upper Paraguaçú River basin.].
    • Oct 27, 04:25 (Acestrorhamphidae)
      Min_ph changed to [5.5] from [0.0].

      Max_ph changed to [7.5] from [0.0].

      Min_temp changed to [20] from [0.0].

      Max_temp changed to [23] from [0.0].

      Genus_tankmates changed to [As a shoaling fish, a group of five or more is definitely preferred.] from [].
    • Oct 27, 03:27 (Acestrorhamphidae)
      Desc_by changed to [Eigenmann] from [Eigenmann ].

      Distribution changed to [South America: Upper Paraguay and Guaporé River basins.] from [Upper Paraguay and Guaporé River basins: Bolivia and Brazil.].
    • Oct 27, 03:27 Psalidodon alleni (Acestrorhamphidae)
      Literature changed to [Annals of the Carnegie Museum v. 4 (no. 2) (art. 7), pp 126, Pl. 40 (fig. 2).] from [Annals of the Carnegie Museum v. 4 (no. 2), pp 126, Pl. 40 (fig. 2).].
    • Oct 27, 03:26 (Acestrorhamphidae)
      Distribution changed to [South America: Upper Amazon River basin.] from [Upper Amazon River basin: Brazil, Colombia and Peru.].
    • Oct 27, 03:26 Psalidodon balbus (Acestrorhamphidae)
      Distribution changed to [South America: upper Paraná River basin.] from [South America: upper Paraná River basin.].
    • Oct 27, 03:26 (Acestrorhamphidae)
      Desc_by changed to [Eigenmann] from [].

      Year changed to [1920] from [0].

      Original_desc changed to [y] from [].

      Type_locality changed to [Concejo, Río Tiquirito, Venezuela.] from [].

      Literature changed to [Indiana University Studies v. 7 (no. 44), pp 10, Pl. 3.] from [].

      Sl changed to [60] from [0].

      Distribution changed to [South America: Environs of Lake Valencia in Venezuela.] from [].
    • Oct 27, 03:26 (Acestrorhamphidae)
      Desc_by changed to [Lima, Britski & Machado] from [].

      Year changed to [2007] from [0].

      Original_desc changed to [y] from [].

      Type_locality changed to [Sapezal, córrego Vinte e Cinco de Maio, near its mouth at the rio Papagaio, Mato Grosso State, Brazil.] from [].

      Literature changed to [aqua, International Journal of Ichthyology v. 13 (no. 2), pp 47, Figs. 1-2.] from [].

      Sl changed to [48] from [0].

      Distribution changed to [South America: tributaries of the upper rio Sepotuba in the rio Paraguai basin and tributaries of the rio Juruena in the rio Tapajôs basin in Brazil.] from [].
    • Oct 27, 03:26 (Acestrorhamphidae)
      Literature changed to [Anzeiger der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Klasse v. 19 (no. 19), pp 179.] from [Anzeiger der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe v. 19 (no. 19), pp 179.].
    • Oct 27, 03:23 (Acestrorhamphidae)
      Desc_by changed to [Eigenmann & Henn] from [Eigenmann & Henn].

      Sl changed to [100] from [0].

      Distribution changed to [South America: Columbian rivers and the Catatumbo River basin.] from [].
    • Oct 27, 03:22 Psalidodon goyacensis (Acestrorhamphidae)
      Distribution changed to [South America: Goiás, Brazil (?).] from [South America: Goiás, Brazil (?).].
    • Oct 23, 12:21 (Callichthyidae)
      Desc_by changed to [Nijssen & Isbrücker] from [Nijssen & Isbrücker].

      Original_desc changed to [n] from [y].

      Literature changed to [Revue française d'Aquariologie Herpétologie v. 12 (no. 3) [for 1985], pp 68, Figs. 4-5, 33A.] from [Revue française d'Aquariologie Herpétologie v. 12 (no. 3) [for 1985], pp 68, Figs. 4-5, 33A.].

      Genus_feeding changed to [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.] from [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.].
    • Oct 23, 12:21 (Callichthyidae)
      Original_desc changed to [n] from [y].

      Type_locality changed to [Río Paragua, northwestern bank, river mouth area, río Itenez system, Provincia J.M. Velasco, Departamento Santa Cruz, Bolivia, 13°31'842"S, 61°90'015"W.] from [Río Paragua, northwestern bank, river mouth area, río Itenez system, Provincia J.M. Velasco, Departamento Santa Cruz, Bolivia, 13°31'842"S, 61°90'015"W.].

      Etymology changed to [Paragua after the Río Paragua in Bolivia, where this species was found.] from [Paragua after the Río Paragua in Bolivia, where this species was found.].

      Genus_feeding changed to [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.] from [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.].
    • Oct 21, 12:08 (Callichthyidae)
      Original_desc changed to [n] from [y].

      Genus_feeding changed to [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.] from [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.].
    • Oct 21, 12:08 Pariolius maldonadoi (Heptapteridae)
      Desc_by changed to [Faustino-Fuster, López-Castaño, Quiñones & Meza-Vargas] from [].

      Year changed to [2024] from [0].

      Original_desc changed to [y] from [].

      Type_locality changed to [Caño Potosí, tributary of the Inírida River, Orinoco River basin, Retorno Municipality, Guaviare State, Colombia, 2°10'50.8"N, 72°38'48.8"W.] from [].

      Type_loc_lat changed to [2.1807777777778] from [0].

      Type_loc_long changed to [-72.646888888889] from [0].

      Literature changed to [Zootaxa 5433 (no. 3), pp 396.] from [].
    • Oct 21, 12:08 (Oxudercidae)
      Type_locality changed to [Tungting (Dongting) Lake, Hunan Province, China.] from [Tungting Lake, Hunan Island, China.].
    • Oct 21, 12:07 Chiloglanis carnatus (Mochokidae)
      Desc_by changed to [Mutizwa, Bragança & Chakona] from [].

      Year changed to [2024] from [0].

      Original_desc changed to [y] from [].

      Type_locality changed to [Mukwadzi River near bridge on the road to Mutorashanga, Manyame River sub-catchment, middle Zambezi River system, Mashonaland West Province, 17.42485°S, 30.58542°E.] from [].

      Type_loc_lat changed to [-17.42485] from [0].

      Type_loc_long changed to [30.58542] from [0].

      Genus_etymology changed to [Chiloglanis: From the Greek cheilos, meaning lip, and glanis, meaning catfish; in reference to the oral morphology.] from [Chiloglanis: From the Greek cheilos, meaning lip, and glanis, meaning catfish; in reference to the oral morphology.].

      Literature changed to [ZooKeys No. 1197, pp 75, Figs. 9, 10A.] from [].

      Genus_identification changed to [The second largest catfish genus in Africa after Synodontis. They are characterized by jaws and lips modified into a sucker or oral disc used for adhering to and feeding upon objects in fast-flowing waters. Generally reasonably small at 100 mm SL or less. species with forked caudal fins can show sexual dimorphism and is usually species-specific. Other characteristics in this hard-to-ID genus are the size of the adipose fin, the position of the adipose fin relative to pelvic and ventral fins, size of barbles, eyes and dorsal fin. Only a handful of species are identified on colouration. They can be distinguished from other African suckermouth catfish (of the genera Euchilichthys and Atopochilus) by their circular suckermouth disc. This is more elliptical in the other two genera.] from [The second largest catfish genus in Africa after Synodontis. They are characterized by jaws and lips modified into a sucker or oral disc used for adhering to and feeding upon objects in fast-flowing waters. Generally reasonably small at 100 mm SL or less. species with forked caudal fins can show sexual dimorphism and is usually species-specific. Other characteristics in this hard-to-ID genus are the size of the adipose fin, the position of the adipose fin relative to pelvic and ventral fins, size of barbles, eyes and dorsal fin. Only a handful of species are identified on colouration. They can be distinguished from other African suckermouth catfish (of the genera Euchilichthys and Atopochilus) by their circular suckermouth disc. This is more elliptical in the other two genera.].
    • Oct 21, 12:07 Pariolius pax (Heptapteridae)
      Desc_by changed to [Faustino-Fuster, López-Castaño, Quiñones & Meza-Vargas] from [].

      Year changed to [2024] from [0].

      Original_desc changed to [y] from [].

      Type_locality changed to [Caño Ovejas, tributary of the Guaviare River, vereda San Jorge, Mapiripán Municipality, Meta, Colombia, 03°5'26.82"N, 72°42'33.14"W.] from [].

      Type_loc_lat changed to [3.0907833333333] from [0].

      Type_loc_long changed to [-72.709205555556] from [0].

      Literature changed to [Zootaxa 5433 (no. 3), pp Figs. 1, 2A, 3-5A, 6A, 7A, 8A.] from [].
    • Oct 21, 09:28 Pimelodella guato (Heptapteridae)
      Desc_by changed to [Pierre & Slobodian] from [].

      Year changed to [2024] from [0].

      Original_desc changed to [y] from [].

      Type_locality changed to [Rio Miranda, sandy beaches at Passo do Lontra region, Rio Paraguai basin, Corumbá municipality, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, 19°34'37"S, 57°00'42"W.] from [].

      Type_loc_lat changed to [-19.576944444444] from [0].

      Type_loc_long changed to [-57.011666666667] from [0].

      Literature changed to [Neotropical Ichthyology v. 21 (no. 1): e230110, pp 5, Figs. 1, 2A, 3A, 5.] from [].

      Genus_general changed to [During the day, occurs in shoals in shaded, deeper pools in streams and smaller rivers.] from [].
    • Oct 21, 09:28 (Callichthyidae)
      Desc_by changed to [Britto, Wosiacki & Montag] from [Britto, Wosiacki & Montag].

      Original_desc changed to [n] from [y].

      Type_locality changed to [Coari, Igarapé da Onça, Rio Urucu basin, tributary of Lago Coari, Rio Solimões system, 4°52'09.12"S, 65°18'03.6"W, Amazonas State, Brazil.] from [Coari, Igarapé da Onça, Rio Urucu basin, tributary of Lago Coari, Rio Solimões system, 4°52'09.12"S, 65°18'03.6"W, Amazonas State, Brazil.].

      Genus_feeding changed to [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.] from [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.].
    • Oct 21, 09:15 (Callichthyidae)
      Sl changed to [56] from [65].

      Male_sl changed to [0] from [60].

      Distribution changed to [South America: Upper Negro River basin.] from [South America: Brazil: Upper Rio Negro].
    • Oct 21, 00:41 (Oxudercidae)
      Type_locality changed to [Yalu River, Liaoning, Jilin Province, China.] from [Yalu River, China.].
    • Oct 20, 05:49 (Loricariidae)
      Original_desc changed to [-] from [].

      Breeding changed to [Has been bred in the aquarium.] from [Unreported.].
    • Oct 19, 17:36 (Loricariidae)
      Brazil_negative_list changed to [n] from [].

      Sl changed to [77] from [90].

      Genus_identification changed to [The genus Chaetostoma is not straightforward to identify, but as a general rule, the species has spines behind the gill-cover (interopercular odontodes), no plates on the abdomen, and aside from C. platyrhynchus also lack plates on the snout edge. Different from Ancistrus by not having fleshy tentacles on the snout.] from [The genus Chaetostoma is not straightforward to identify, but as a general rule, the species has spines behind the gill-cover (interopercular odontodes), no plates on the abdomen, and aside from C. platyrhynchus also lack plates on the snout edge. Different from Ancistrus by not having fleshy tentacles on the snout.].

      Distribution changed to [***blank***.] from [Rio Negro, a small tributary of the upper Rio Pisqui, near the Boqueron del Padre Abad. Peru.].
    • Oct 19, 05:29 Chaetostoma sp. (L456) (Loricariidae)
      Brazil_negative_list changed to [n] from [].

      Iucn_category changed to [NE] from [].

      Genus_identification changed to [The genus Chaetostoma is not straightforward to identify, but as a general rule, the species has spines behind the gill-cover (interopercular odontodes), no plates on the abdomen, and aside from C. platyrhynchus also lack plates on the snout edge. Different from Ancistrus by not having fleshy tentacles on the snout.] from [The genus Chaetostoma is not straightforward to identify, but as a general rule, the species has spines behind the gill-cover (interopercular odontodes), no plates on the abdomen, and aside from C. platyrhynchus also lack plates on the snout edge. Different from Ancistrus by not having fleshy tentacles on the snout.].

      Distribution changed to [***blank***.] from [Río Pisqui, Peru.].
    • Oct 19, 05:29 Chaetostoma sp. (L457) (Loricariidae)
      Brazil_negative_list changed to [n] from [].

      Iucn_category changed to [NE] from [].

      Genus_identification changed to [The genus Chaetostoma is not straightforward to identify, but as a general rule, the species has spines behind the gill-cover (interopercular odontodes), no plates on the abdomen, and aside from C. platyrhynchus also lack plates on the snout edge. Different from Ancistrus by not having fleshy tentacles on the snout.] from [The genus Chaetostoma is not straightforward to identify, but as a general rule, the species has spines behind the gill-cover (interopercular odontodes), no plates on the abdomen, and aside from C. platyrhynchus also lack plates on the snout edge. Different from Ancistrus by not having fleshy tentacles on the snout.].

      Distribution changed to [***blank***.] from [Rio Chiu, Alejandro drainage, Peru.].
    • Oct 19, 05:29 (Loricariidae)
      Genus_identification changed to [Sturisoma and Sturisomatichthys can be difficult to tell apart. Older descriptions of the genera emphasized the length of the snout (elongated in Sturisoma), but this trait is not reliable across species. Recent analyses allow discrimination based on the abdominal plates, fin colors and lateral plates: Sturisoma has its central abdominal plates arranged in three clearly-defined longitudinal series; all fins (except sometimes pectoral fins) lack dark spots; and 20–21 lateral plates in median series. Sturisomatichthys has its central abdominal plates less organized, not arranged in clearly-defined longitudinal series; dark spots usually present on one or more of the dorsal-, pectoral-, pelvic, or anal-fins; and 15–18 lateral plates in median series. Furthermore, to date all Sturisoma are cis-Andean; most (but not all) Sturisomatichthys are trans-Andean.] from [Sturisoma and Sturisomatichthys can be difficult to tell apart. Older descriptions of the genera emphasized the length of the snout (elongated in Sturisoma), but this trait is not reliable across species. Recent analyses allow discrimination based on the abdominal plates, fin colors and lateral plates: Sturisoma has its central abdominal plates arranged in three clearly-defined longitudinal series; all fins (except sometimes pectoral fins) lack dark spots; and 20–21 lateral plates in median series. Sturisomatichthys has its central abdominal plates less organized, not arranged in clearly-defined longitudinal series; dark spots usually present on one or more of the dorsal-, pectoral-, pelvic, or anal-fins; and 15–18 lateral plates in median series. Furthermore, to date all Sturisoma are cis-Andean; most (but not all) Sturisomatichthys are trans-Andean.].

      General changed to [Alongside the Blue Eyed Pleco, Panaque cochliodon, this species was a mainstay export until the 1990s. Degradation of habitat, thought to be industrial waste entering the river in the areas collected (Honda / Puerto Bogota) saw exports stop. Remaining captive individuals were slowly hybridised with other similar species. Like the Blue Eye, this species may turn up, but is often misidentified.] from [].

      Distribution changed to [Venezuela: Maracaibo Basin
      Colombia: Rio Catatumbo.]
      from [Venezuela: Maracaibo Basin
      Colombia: Rio Catatumbo.].
    • Oct 18, 11:43 Trichomycterus galvisi (Trichomycteridae)
      Desc_by changed to [] from [Fowler].

      Year changed to [0] from [1915].

      Original_desc changed to [y] from [n].

      Type_locality changed to [] from [Rio Jaguaribe at Barro Alto, Brazil.].

      Brazil_negative_list changed to [n] from [].

      Literature changed to [] from [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 67, pp264, Fig. 3.].

      Distribution changed to [] from [South America: Jaguaribe River basin.].
    • Oct 15, 11:33 (Callichthyidae)
      Desc_by changed to [Tencatt, Vera-Alcaraz, Britto & Pavanelli] from [Tencatt, Vera-Alcaraz, Britto & Pavanelli].

      Original_desc changed to [n] from [y].

      Type_locality changed to [Minas Gerais, Guada-Mor, rio Guarda-Mor, rio São Francisco basin, 17°46'18"S, 47°05'43"W, Brazil.] from [Minas Gerais, Guada-Mor, rio Guarda-Mor, rio São Francisco basin, 17°46'18"S, 47°05'43"W, Brazil.].

      Genus_feeding changed to [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.] from [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.].
    • Oct 15, 11:33 (Callichthyidae)
      Original_desc changed to [n] from [y].

      Genus_feeding changed to [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.] from [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.].
    • Oct 15, 11:33 (Callichthyidae)
      Desc_by changed to [Tencatt, Ohara, Sousa & Britto] from [Tencatt, Ohara, Sousa & Britto].

      Original_desc changed to [n] from [y].

      Type_locality changed to [Stream with unknown name, tributary to the rio Jamanxim, rio Tapajós basin, Novo Progresso Municipality, Pará State, Brazil, 08°23'06"S, 55°19'43"W.] from [Stream with unknown name, tributary to the rio Jamanxim, rio Tapajós basin, Novo Progresso Municipality, Pará State, Brazil, 08°23'06"S, 55°19'43"W.].

      Etymology changed to [The specific epithet "thanatos" refers to Thanatos (from the Greek θᾰ́νᾰτος, thánatos, which means "death"), the Greek god or personification of death, and the twin brother of Hypnos, the god/personification of sleep. The name alludes to the fact that although both C. thanatos and C. hypnos may exhibit some visual similarities (in colour pattern), they are completely different in other aspects (general morphology).] from [The specific epithet "thanatos" refers to Thanatos (from the Greek θᾰ́νᾰτος, thánatos, which means "death"), the Greek god or personification of death, and the twin brother of Hypnos, the god/personification of sleep. The name alludes to the fact that although both C. thanatos and C. hypnos may exhibit some visual similarities (in colour pattern), they are completely different in other aspects (general morphology).].

      Genus_feeding changed to [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.] from [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.].
    • Oct 15, 11:33 (Callichthyidae)
      Desc_by changed to [Tencatt, Ruiz-Tafur & Chuctaya] from [].

      Year changed to [2024] from [0].

      Original_desc changed to [y] from [-].

      Type_locality changed to [Quebrada Paujil, Iquitos-Nauta road km 26.4, lower Río Nanay drainage, upper Río Amazonas basin, San Juan Bautista District, Maynas Province, Loreto District, Peru, 03°57'49"S, 73°25'02"W.] from [].

      Type_loc_lat changed to [-3.9636111111111] from [0].

      Type_loc_long changed to [-73.417222222222] from [0].

      Genus_etymology changed to [Cory = helmet, doras = skin. In this case it was incorrectly used to mean armour (cuirasse) instead of skin in allusion to the dual rows of plates that run along the flanks of this genus.] from [Cory = helmet, doras = skin. In this case it was incorrectly used to mean armour (cuirasse) instead of skin in allusion to the dual rows of plates that run along the flanks of this genus.].

      Literature changed to [Neotropical Ichthyology v. 22 (no. 2): e240016, pp 4, Figs. 1-11.] from [].

      Genus_identification changed to [Corydoras are identified by their twin rows of armour plates along the flanks and by having fewer than 10 dorsal fin rays. They are most commonly confused with the other genera in the sub-family, namely Brochis, Scleromystax and Aspidoras.] from [Corydoras are identified by their twin rows of armour plates along the flanks and by having fewer than 10 dorsal fin rays. They are most commonly confused with the other genera in the sub-family, namely Brochis, Scleromystax and Aspidoras.].

      Genus_feeding changed to [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.] from [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.].
    • Oct 15, 11:32 (Callichthyidae)
      Desc_by changed to [Tencatt, Ohara, Sousa & Britto] from [Tencatt, Ohara, Sousa & Britto].

      Original_desc changed to [n] from [y].

      Type_locality changed to [Rio Jamanxim, a tributary to the rio Tapajós, Novo Progresso Municipality, Pará State, Brazil, 08°23'00"S, 55°19'08"W.] from [Rio Jamanxim, a tributary to the rio Tapajós, Novo Progresso Municipality, Pará State, Brazil, 08°23'00"S, 55°19'08"W.].

      Genus_feeding changed to [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.] from [Will readily accepted all prepared foods that reach the bottom of the aquarium such as tablets, granules and larger flakes. Live (or frozen) foods such as bloodworm, white worm, grindal worm (Enchytraeus), Daphnia and Tubifex are readily accepted and good for conditioning groups of fishes for spawning.].
    • Oct 12, 22:28 (Callichthyidae)
      Identification changed to [The colour pattern forms an even arch (hence the scientific name) of dark stripe from the snout to the lower back. Sometimes the cleithrum will have an iridescent gold or bronze color. Corydoras arcuatus is very similar to Corydoras granti. C. arcuatus can be distinguished by having a longer, straight snout, whereas C. granti has a shorter, more rounded snout. Also, the posterior margin of the pectoral fin spine of C. arcuatus has serrations pointing toward the origin of the spine (toward the body), whereas these serrations point toward the spine tip on C. granti. Finally, when full grown, C. arcuatus is a larger species than C. granti.] from [The colour pattern forms an even arch (hence the scientific name) of dark stripe from the snout to the lower back. Sometimes the cleithrum will have an iridescent gold or bronze color. Corydoras arcuatus is very similar to Corydoras granti. C. arcuatus can be distinguished by having a longer, straight snout, whereas C. granti has a shorter, more rounded snout. Also, the posterior margin of the pectoral fin spine of C. arcuatus has serrations pointing toward the origin of the spine (toward the body), whereas these serrations point toward the spine tip on C. granti. Finally, when full grown, C. arcuatus is a larger species than C. granti.].

      General changed to [Corydoras arcuatus is very similar to C. granti , and specimens of C. granti are often sold by pet stores under the name C. arcuatus. A key to the arc-striped corys can be found in the forum HERE.] from [Corydoras arcuatus is very similar to C. granti , and specimens of C. granti are often sold by pet stores under the name C. arcuatus. A key to the arc-striped corys can be found in the forum HERE.].

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