All FishesFamilies ⇒ Aspredinidae

Common member of the family Aspredinidae
Hop to next section Family Overview
Pronounced Ass PRED Ini Day
Family Common Name Banjo Catfishes
Features Flat, low body. Narrow tail ending in a fan shaped caudal fin. Rough varicose skin.
Distribution South America
Common Names Banjo Catfish, Eel Banjo Catfish
Size Smallest 16mm, largest 505mm, average 94mm, most commonly 110mm. All SL.
Subfamilies There are 3 subfamilies in the database
Species There are 50 "species" in 13 genera in the database
Keepers 0 species (0.0%) are being kept by registered keepers
Hop to next section Subfamilies in Aspredinidae (by species)
3.Aspredininae30 species(60%)
3.Hoplomyzontinae11 species(22%)
3.Pseudobunocephalinae9 species(18%)
Hop to next section Top Five Genera (by keepers)
1.Acanthobunocephalus2 species(0 keepers)
2.Amaralia2 species(0 keepers)
3.Aspredinichthys2 species(0 keepers)
4.Aspredo1 species(0 keepers)
5.Bunocephalus14 species(0 keepers)
Hop to next section Distribution of Aspredinidae

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Hop to next section Alphabetic Species List
(Chronological | Most Kept | Most Bred)
1.(i:1, k:0, b:0)
2.(i:1, k:0, b:0)
3.(i:10, k:0, b:0)
4.(i:1, k:0, b:0)
5.(i:1, k:0, b:0)
6.Aspredinichthys tibicen(i:0, k:0, b:0)
7.(i:2, k:0, b:0)
8.Bunocephalus aleuropsis(i:0, k:0, b:0)
9.Bunocephalus aloikae(i:0, k:0, b:0)
10.(i:9, k:0, b:0)
11.Bunocephalus chamaizelus(i:0, k:0, b:0)
12.(i:5, k:0, b:0)
13.(i:21, k:0, b:3)
14.(i:1, k:0, b:0)
15.Bunocephalus erondinae(i:0, k:0, b:0)
16.Bunocephalus hartti(i:0, k:0, b:0)
17.(i:3, k:0, b:0)
18.(i:5, k:0, b:0)
19.(i:3, k:0, b:0)
20.Bunocephalus minerim(i:0, k:0, b:0)
21.(i:18, k:0, b:0)
22.(i:3, k:0, b:0)
23.(i:1, k:0, b:0)
24.(i:1, k:0, b:0)
25.(i:6, k:0, b:0)
26.(i:5, k:0, b:0)
27.(i:1, k:0, b:0)
28.Hoplomyzon cardosoi(i:0, k:0, b:0)
29.(i:2, k:0, b:0)
30.(i:1, k:0, b:0)
31.(i:2, k:0, b:0)
32.(i:1, k:0, b:0)
33.(i:28, k:0, b:0)
34.(i:4, k:0, b:0)
35.Pseudobunocephalus bifidus(i:0, k:0, b:0)
36.(i:1, k:0, b:0)
37.Pseudobunocephalus lundbergi(i:0, k:0, b:0)
38.(i:8, k:0, b:0)
39.Pseudobunocephalus rugosus(i:0, k:0, b:0)
40.(i:3, k:0, b:0)
41.(i:15, k:0, b:0)
42.(i:14, k:0, b:0)
43.(i:3, k:0, b:0)
44.(i:2, k:0, b:0)
45.(i:1, k:0, b:0)
46.(i:10, k:0, b:0)
47.Xyliphius lombarderoi(i:0, k:0, b:0)
48.Xyliphius magdalenae(i:0, k:0, b:0)
49.(i:13, k:0, b:0)
50.(i:3, k:0, b:0)